I was sort of bothered with how cluttered every other TexMod UI was so I decided to make my own. This is a very minimalistic UI mod which removes all unneccesary clutter. It changes pretty much all UI elements into a more gray look, and it most certainly won't suit a lot of people, but I hope some people will like it.
Things changed:
- Panels
- Chat window
- Compass (w spirit range)
- Inventory slots
- Dropdown menus
- Health / mana / experience / title bars
- Gold / platinum icons
- Menu button
- Weapon sets background
- Ping icon
- Log out / Options buttons
- Empty skillslots
- Removed numbers on skillbar
- Elite skill indication to an extremely thin line
- Active effects to show what they are (hex / condition / enchantment) in a much more minimalistic way.
- The "arrows" on health bars indicating hexes / conditions / weapons spells / enchantments (also on the skills themselves)
- Normal / hard mode selection icons (selected one is underlined)
- Hero dropdown menu icons
- Template dropdown menu icons
- "Ready" status icons
- Tyria loading screens
Because I mostly play with other players some things will look off, such as hero flagging icons. If people want me to fix these things I probably could though.