Balanced Relic Capture
Recently I was playing in The Crag Mission Level, where teams have to contend over the various small cliffs and lava pools/rivers to capture one another's relics, gain morale boosts from ghost heroes, and in general it moves towards team deathmatch.
Aside from that, in one of the last matches I played, a teammate made a mad dash so to speak for the relic, and brought it back, we were essentially losing in terms of kill counts, but after a short respawn we drove em back, but not before they had begun securing one of our relics. This was slowly ticking away time, and they had captured it, so, it was a hope we might be able to get up there and cap in the small amount of time, but, heavy resistance ticked it down to end game...and the other team won.
Looking at the torches, ours had driven it so both sides were blue, but theirs immediately drove it so both sides were red. That in any other ctf'esque game would constitute a tie, however, I had imagined this to be sort of a tug o' war, never really happens because one team rolls over another and ends up easily capturing more than the others.
So, my idea is for there to be a more well balanced form of relic capture in that tug of war style, so that you have to get three consecutive captures to immediately win, or have more of the ground covered with your torches to do so, and their capturing a relic if you had the braziers burning brightly would merely dim them, or if there are more of these relic styles of capture, a more balanced one the team you could really say was slow to start doesn't win for no apparent reason.
Plus, a sudden death sort of scenario, throw the relics right down the cliff near the river of lava, move the ghostly hero to that position, and give em a two minute drill basically. Why? Because the two minutes there really lacks a pressure situation, it is easy to look up at the time and have 3:00 to go, because so many battles take a very long while to do, and you may not even be done then. This also helps because the length of time required to move the relic back is still quite high in a straight "walk" back to the relic, over a minute I believe, and that is if no one is stepping in your way, using slows, or ends up killing you and tossing it back.
Note : I know it is one idea per thread, but I feel that is a singular one eliminating the wierd win in place of a tie, and a way to make the tie work without just lengthening the battle.