I had a lot of fun farming lightning drakes when they dropped nice stuff. My friend and I would average one nice drop per run and it was easily duoable. Now I know for this lower area the drops were over the top but last night I spent 3 hours in a great group in the underworld and know what I got? 1 bow that was salvage when identified.
I also know they are making this a 1k area and the drops will be increased but by my sense this means they will have to put drops in the place! I have not found one piece of equipment that was worth a crap in almost 4 days. We have bounced around looking for drops and farming but I havnt seen one yellow item fall since the drakes. I finished the missions several days ago and I have access to every dot on the map. I am missing something here or have they taken all this out? Dont have to say where but it would be nice to know that stuff still does fall and I am having rotten luck finding it.