its time for the henches to be fixed
Enough is enough. It's 2006. Half Life released in 1997, and had vastly better AI. The henches have 2 problems:
They're uncontrollable. There is only one reliable control interface: attack something, and the henches will attack that. Maybe I don't want to attack, i.e. because I have clumsiness on me, or because I'm the monk and don't want aggro. Or maybe I want to run away because I see a patrol coming. Too bad.
They're stupid. They stand in poison. They cast Protective Spirit to protect people from said poison. They cast through backfire. They res when they shouldn't and vice versa. And contrary to what the update on 11/10/2005 supposedly did, they STILL stand in chaos storms and maelstroms.
This is inexcusable, in 2006, to have AI this bad. Hopefully they'll be fixed in Chapter 2, but this has to be fixed. There are too many things that are either literally impossible or just so difficult it's infuriating with the henches, and there are too many things that can't feasibly be done with teams of real people that being able to do them with henches is a necessity. For example, the secondary profession quests, where you will rarely find enough people to make a team, and certainly won't get a balanced team.
This was a bit of a rant, but it's mainly a serious suggestion about the game. The PvE game is meant to be a team of smart players going against larger numbers of stronger enemies, and the henches are (a) not team players and (b) not smart, so a team of smart players including henches is out of the question. And since there are not always real people doing what you want to do (and there are very rarely smart people doing what you want to do), the henches are really a critical component of the PvE game.