PvE events.
Every once in a while we have events like Wintersday, and Halloween. And suddenly my interest in Gw is suddenly reignited. Just running around completing silly, trivial tasks. Seeing people in the holliday spirit. People being nice, friendly. Putting something diffrent in the chat box besides the usuall WTS, or WTB. And then I hear stories of beta weekends with exploding gnomes, and murderous gwens. I don't think this happens enough.
I start of with the event district. There's always, a stickler, someone who just doesn't want to do this stuff or be forced to do it. Answer? Event district. Put this district at the bottom of the district list, and make it so that people have to choose to warp there. Maybe have the game ask you "There is an event in this city. Would you like to travel to the event district?". And so that's where stuff happens
Now, as to what happens in these districts. Anything! Just something new and out of the norm, no matter how trivial or silly. Here are some ideas:
The first and probly easiest to implement/get involved with. Scavenger hunt!!! This can be done three diffrent ways. Have the peices spawn across cities, but not make them viewable with ctrl and alt buttons. Next, you could make it like the snow man quest from wintersday. Have to talk to certain people in certain cities in order to get the item. And third make the items randomly drop off ANY mobs. This last way would make it easy everybody to get involved no matter where they are in the game, or what they're doing. Players could be rewarded for completion with the same ol quest rewards you get off anything else. Experience, maybe a little gold. The reward isn't the point, it's about bringing people together, and having something new to do.
Next(wich makes good use of the event district, for those sticklers who don't get involved) randomly spawn some giant creature in a town. Make it big, ferocious, and high lvl'd. People who spawn in the district get to use they're weapons and skills. Infact make it really powerfull, or at least give it health in the millions so the soloers and farmers can't just come kill it in an instant. Once it's dead, give it a little time, then start the event over again. This could go on for a day with a bunch of spawns by the monster.
My last idea is a very large scale battle. Make it like helms deep sized. Pick a city, and a group of monsters. Then have the monsters start towards the city.(the city being an event district) Put in a good deal of npc monks, and some other npc classes. Once people spawn into the district, they're assigned to a monk. So monk #1 takes the first 6-7 people, the next 6-7 people go to monk #2. If someone drops from the server, then add the next person in to the monks party regardless of number. Then that's it! Let the monsters advance and let the slaughter party begin!!! There could even be mutiple event districts. Like 3 districts for lvls 1-5, then 3 districts for lvls 6-10. And make the monsters in the district equal, or a little bit above for a challenge, to the lvl of the district.
Well those are my ideas. There can be more. And these particular ones don't have to be the ones, they're just ideas. What do you all think?