My New Ritualist Skills Ideas
Hey im new to GW Guru forums, and i thought id share some ideas of Ritualist Skills i thought up, which i posted on some other forums before.
Spiritual Disposition ELITE
Energy Cost: 15
Casting Time: 1 Seconds
Recharge: 30 Seconds
Attribute:Channeling or Communing
Skill. Sacrifce 15% Health, all spirits in your area become unbound from their master. All unbound spirits provide benefits for all players within their range, and attack all players within their range.
Lau Xii's Ritual
Energy Cost: 10
Casting Time:3 Seconds
Recharge: 45 Seconds
Attribute: Channeling or Communing
Ritual. Target Spirit is unbound from its master. Unbound spirits provide benefits for all within their area and attack all within their area.
The next skill is based on the spirits in the Ritualist beginner quests. Where there are some summoned spirits that arent bound to a spot, but move around freely.
Spectral Tether
Energy Cost: 10
Casting time: 1 second
Recharge time: 45 Seconds
Attribute: Spawning Power
Spell.Target allied spirit becomes tethered to you for XX seconds. Whilst tethered to you that spirit follows you around. You may only have one spirit tether to you at a time.
Possesive was Shau ke
Energy Cost: 15
Cast Time: 2 Seconds
Recharge: 30 Seconds
Attribute: Channeling
Ritual. For XX Seconds target foe experiences (-2...-X) health degeneration. When Possessive was Shau Ke ends, target foe is struck for XX lightning damage.
Tender Was Jian Pa
Energy Cost: 10
Cast Time: 2 Seconds
Recharge: 20 Seconds
Ritual. For XX target non-spirit Ally experiences (+3...+X) Health regeneration. When tender was Jian Pa ends, that ally gains XX health and 3 Energy.
Spirit of Osmosis
Energy Cost: 10
Cast Time: 5 Seconds
Recharge: 45 seconds
Attribute Communing
Binding Ritual. Create a level XX spirit. This spirits attacks steals XX energy from foes.This spirit lasts for XX seconds, when this spirit dies all allies within its area gain 5 energy.
Energy Cost:15
Cast Time: 1 Second
Recharge:15 seconds
Attribute: Communing
Target Foe is hexed with Haunting for XX Seconds. Whilst hexed, all allied spirits attack that foe.
Reincarnate (Maybe Elite status)
Energy Cost: 10
Cast Time: 1/4 Second
Recharge: 30 Seconds
Attribute: Spawning Power
Skill.The next spirit you summon will automatically be summoned again when it dies.
Opposing was Neng Kuu ELITE
Energy Cost: 10
Cast Time: 1 Seconds
Recharge: 20 Seconds
Attribute: Restoration
Hold up Neng Kuu's Ashes for XX seconds. Whilst holding Neng Kuu's ashes you take half damage from all sources. When you Drop Nengu Kuu's ashes or if Neng Kuu's ahses ends, you lose 25% of your current health but lose X hexes.
Weapon of Elements
ENergy Cost 10
Cast Time:1/4 Seconds
Recharge:20 Seconds
Attribute: Channeling
For XX seconds your attacks deal +7 Fire/Water/Earth/lightning Damage, and when you take elemental damage you gain XX health.
Spirit of the Damned ELITE
Energy Cost: 15
Cast Time: 5 Seconds
Recharge: 45 Seconds
Attribute: Communing
Binding Ritual. Create a level XX spirit that dies after XX seconds. When this spirit dies, all foes in the area suffer from poison,bleeding and blindness (OR Crippled?) for XX seconds. If any allies are in the area when this spirit dies they lose X conditions.
Essence of the Soul
Energy Cost: 10
Casting Time: 1 Second
Recharge: 20 Seconds
Attribute: Channeling
Destroy target Allied Spirit, all foes adjacent to that spirit suffer XX lightning damage, and all allied spirits in the area of that spirit gain XX health.