Originally Posted by MithranArkanere
It is true that some areas are a bit hard... and the IA is sometimes illogical.
Ok, a Margonite, a Charr, a forgotten one, an Avicara, a dwarf, any human (White mantle, Corsair, Am Fah, etc...) they are intelligent, they should have the best IA Anet can give them, but...
Golems and plants can't feel pain, so, how does they know how to get ot of an AoE?
Insects have hierarchy and know wich ones to protect, but they can't think about who is the one they should attack first.
Trolls, vermin, animals, etc... they know that they are suffring damage and know when to flee, but they can't know skills and choose targets or go to positions giving them advantage, they can't think so much, they can't foresight movements.
Yetis, Giants... they are not dumb, but neither brilliant, they should not be able to make skill combos longer than 2 or 3 skills.
IA should not be exactly the same for all the monsters.
There should be IA grades.
*Block head - (They just move to nearest target and attack)
*Insect - (They have defensive strategies but not ofensive, they rely on numbers when attacking)
*Chordate - (They can feel pain and fear, so they scape bad situations and change they positions, but they can't predict where to stay before bad situations happen)
*Grunt - (They move arround and choose targets, but they are not very bright using skill combos)
*7-years-old-child (current IA, and the better possible they could make)
And Bosses should be one step over the IA of their race, even variable builds
The more you avance in the game, the more intelligent creatures are. But some creatures will stay the same, as they can't be more intelligent than they are.
Not to make them all like in PreAscalon, just to make them think as they should.