New PvP Arena (kill count)?
I was thinking of an arena that would draw alot of people, and after asking quite a few people over a span of months on random occasion, I think an 8v8 or a 12v12 arena (random placement) would be a nice touch, the objective as the following:
Get the most amount of kills in the time limit remaining.
Much like the lava arena where it's based on kill count, but perhaps a few or one large and interesting arena/setting and the objective is to just get the most kills for some balthazar faction. Time limit possibly 10 minutes? This would be something I'd play all nite long every day. Respawn times are similar to Fort Aspenwood, with it being rather quick, and possibly throw in some NPC's to the fight for more action much like Fort Aspenwood, but instead of a confusing at-first objective, something more fun and simple like a deathmatch.
That doesn't mean other secondary objectives couldn't be added. Maybe a flag base for morale boosts like in GvG, and a respawn point much like the alliance battles so nobody can spawn kill that easily. Or have variety of spawn points.
Does anyone think this or a similar idea can be a good one? I think an action packed arena like this would be great and would draw alot more people to PvP.
/sign or /notsigned. Choose?