Duplicate spell effects/sounds in Nightfall
In general, Anet did a pretty good job in giving nightfall skills different sounds and effect auras. But a few glaring exceptions stand out, and in the thick of battle it's useful to have every skill sound different.
For instance, prot spirit, spirit bond, and shield of absorption all have very different (and obvious) sounds and animations. That's good, you know what the other team's damage mitigation is at the moment.
But when you get hexed with Frustration, it sounds like you just ate a Backfire. Or in PvE, the Agonizing Chops of the kuskale sound exactly like Executioner's Strikes. Charging Strike and Heket's Rampage use Bull's Charge and Lightning Reflexes' animations respectively. Natural Stride and Dodge (not like you'd see the latter anymore, though) - it goes on.
It's perfectly fine when your skills are actual duplicates like Pure Strike and Jaizhenju Strike, but when Barbarous Slice uses the same effect it's kind of unnerving to think a nightfall monster is using out of campaign skills.
There are only a few offenders. Some I don't care about - like Natural Stride/Dodge, or the monk spells. But some of the other rehashed sounds and effects need to be differentiated. I like how Diversion has this really noticeable effect, and how Overload and Wastrel's Demise can be told apart. Sound cues are important in every fight you're in, whether it's against silly AI or a top-tier guild.