In my oppinion there aren't that many errors in the assassin skills at this time. Sure there are some skills that will rarely ever be used, but the only changes I would like to see is that no shadow stepping skill should have more than a 30-35s. recharge time (but without allowing them to be abused such as Shadow of Haste was in GvGs before the (unnecessarily) massive nerf (they didn't have to destroy the skill completely...)), Another thing would be to simply remove/alter the skill Shadow Prison. As much as I love it, it has removed pretty much all versatility among PvP-assassins. Pretty much every assassin you run in to in PvP is using the Berserking Shadow-build (or a slight modification of it). Before the release of Nightfall you could never be sure what type of an assassin you would face. Sure there were builds more popular than others, but they where all at a somewhat similiar level so that people could actually decide what they wanted to play instead of having to choose either the "best" build or a "different" build...