Apr 30, 2005, 09:09 AM // 09:09
Ascalonian Squire
Join Date: Feb 2005
Location: Wallerstädten/Germany
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I don't want to see a warrior in full armor and a heavy hammer in his hands jumping around!
May 01, 2005, 05:25 PM // 17:25
Core Guru
I disagree with this because each map area would have to be reviewed if something like this was added.
Problems with people possibly skipping whole routes/roads simply by jumping a fence, people jumping into ditches/craters, and don't forget the amount of time this would take away from the game designers to not only add this feature but to perfect each map specifically for it.
PlayerA: Looks like we got to go around this hole.
PlayerB: Nah, let's jump it.
PlayerA: Don't do it! It's too risky!
:Too late as PlayerB attempts to jump a crater:
May 01, 2005, 08:03 PM // 20:03
Furnace Stoker
Join Date: Apr 2005
Profession: W/
The designers made the paths in the game for a reason, so you can't just take a direct line to a goal and skip the entire map altogether. In real life, you don't see people jumping into craters and climbing directly over mountains to reach a goal, you see them taking paths that are easy to follow and don't tire you as much. If they implement jumping and climbing, they should give you a health and energy penalty each time that wears off over time, just like the death penalty.
I agree with Loviatar, if you want a game with this, go out and get that game. This is a free-online RPG with a purpose. If you want jumping, get WoW, and pay the 15 a month fee.
May 02, 2005, 01:03 AM // 01:03
Pre-Searing Cadet
you want them to redo the game engine and remake every map just because you dont think its realistic? wanna wait another two or more years?
May 02, 2005, 11:58 AM // 11:58
Ascalonian Squire
Join Date: May 2005
Location: Copenhagen
Originally Posted by Discord
Arbitrary boundaries cause problems, not the least of which is "suspension of disbelief." That may not be a game breaker. But it does lower the enjoyment level for some people, including me.
I agree, right now I feel that the characters freedom of movement is unrealistic and it interupts the gameflow.
May 02, 2005, 12:24 PM // 12:24
Frost Gate Guardian
Join Date: Apr 2005
Location: UK baby
Jumping would allow for parts of missions being skipped amd People getting in to places they shouldn't be getting to.
Also, aside from this - the race of this game is human. Human's on average, don't jump very far, or high. Especially humans in armour, or carry weapons. Even if they did add the jump, it would be almost no difference from what the /jump command already does, without being silly.
You could hop over a small wall, that'd be about it.
May 02, 2005, 02:31 PM // 14:31
Underworld Spelunker
Originally Posted by Freakychakra
I agree, right now I feel that the characters freedom of movement is unrealistic and it interupts the gameflow.
they spent years planning and developing the flow of the game and its banks if you will to channel you from one event to the next
what you people want to do is redesign their work so you can arbitrarily jump down to a place that they want you to go the long way around to reach
the game is for fun and if this is such a big deal that it spoils your fun dont play it
since they are not going to make a change this major just to please a few people .........
May 02, 2005, 03:56 PM // 15:56
Academy Page
Join Date: Apr 2005
Location: Ohio
Originally Posted by Zai
7. Asherons Call 1
8. Asherons Call 2
9. Anarchy Online
10. Horizons
11. SWG
12. Dark Cloud 2
13. Ys
14. I could go on all night. These are just the ones I could think up in a minute.
Gothic II
May 02, 2005, 04:15 PM // 16:15
Academy Page
Join Date: May 2005
Location: Canada, eh?
I like how the game is now.. but adding a jump button to get over minor obstacles would make me feel a bit more... less attached to the ground.
May 03, 2005, 10:35 AM // 10:35
Ascalonian Squire
bah jump.
yeah i liked it in other mmos ive played. but seriously, its not that big a deal. You wanna move around the map as the crow flies all the time? Thats the whole point of this system, getting to some stinky corner takes ages and is hard, and yes you have to go through losta doods to get there and when you get there you say 'phew, i made it. gg'
maybe if it was a dev i would fix it by having huge cliffs or something LOOKING impassible for the impassible parts. I have to agree id be running along and see a path, say ah cool and leg over to find its not actually a path and i cant step the half meter down to the next part.
But you see, this all lends stuff to the complexity of the game. like tha map for instance. you want all roads marked in red?
bah, you have to go, and look, and work it out. and 'knowing' and area actually means you know it, and for instance when your noob friend runs off you can say 'oi, silly noob. not that way'.
its been said before and ill say it again, NWN, Diablo, Dungeon Siege, blah blah all couldnt jump and it was fine.
I also completley agree i dont want a warrior in heavy armour jumping around.
'implement a system like morrowind where is all based on weight and acrobatics and stuff, wouldnt that be awsome?!'
ffs. why do you think morrowind is single player? why do you think no mmorpg offers even NEAR the detail and awsomeness of Morrowind? Coz you cant. It doesnt work. We dont have the technology yet.
/end rant
May 03, 2005, 11:09 AM // 11:09
Ascalonian Squire
Join Date: May 2005
Location: Copenhagen
Originally Posted by Loviatar
hmm no right actually.
getting stuck in the middle of an open patch of land destroys the believeability.
Originally Posted by Loviatar
what you people want to do is redesign their work so you can arbitrarily jump down to a place that they want you to go the long way around to reach
nope I just want them to remove blocking textures.
May 03, 2005, 02:01 PM // 14:01
Ascalonian Squire
This aint world of warcraft.
May 03, 2005, 08:01 PM // 20:01
Ascalonian Squire
Join Date: May 2005
Location: Copenhagen
Originally Posted by LordCrono
This aint world of warcraft.
No thank god for that
May 03, 2005, 08:21 PM // 20:21
Krytan Explorer
Originally Posted by Freakychakra
hmm no right actually.
getting stuck in the middle of an open patch of land destroys the believeability.
nope I just want them to remove blocking textures.
destroys believeability...so do the following:
people in capes
people not eating
people talking while not moving their mouths
people appearing and disappearing
people killing eachother for no reason
people respawning after killing eachother
people glowing permenantly
people shooting fire at eachother
people hacking eachother for 10 minutes with a sword doing no damage
all the stereotyped classes
the loading screen
people called "Yo Momma" or "Fetus Eater"
people standing in a courtyard selling dye
lack of a services industry
no toilets
the cursor
the HUD
people like you
...and a helluva lot more...
a lot of decent RPGs did not have jumping or swimming. Diablo series, NWN...etc. This is something which is actually only quite common in MMORPGs, and to be quite frank...I think it leads to boring level design. If you can jump and skip across half the level, then obviously restraints have to be put in to control this and channel you in through predetermined paths. Thus the levels begin to look very closed and linear...now we have pleasant sprawling spaces but which also allow for directed gameplay...and I'll tell you what...I like that. As someone who dosen't really play MMORPGs but plays a fair number of RPGs...I can say that I don't really understand the big commotion over jumping. Its just unnecessary and I feel its a product of various feelings over the pathing of the current system and the repetetive hack 'n slash nature of the PvE game.
May 04, 2005, 12:30 AM // 00:30
Ascalonian Squire
This has actually been one of the biggest drawbacks of the game for me. For years I have been playing MMO's that allow jumping and swimming and it adds to the realism of the game. A few people have said, this isn't WOW. yep, your right, this also isnt NWN, diablo, etc... This game has been marketed as an MMO and it lacks basic funcitionality that you find in ALL MMO's today. When I first started reading about how great of an MMORPG this was going to be and how it was going to give new life to these types games, I was excited. I have always loved MMORPG's but I have always felt their biggest drawbacks was that the end games always required raids of TONS of people to do quests or to defeat a creature and that always turned me off of the end game. This game really sounded like they had done it right, only needing a max group of 8 to kill anything in the game really was right down my alley. Finally, someone got it, you dont or shouldnt need huge numbers of people to be able to take a creature down. PVP when YOU want to, again great, exactly what I was looking for.
Then, I got the game. How disappointed I was when I hit the space bar and I went running over to some npc I had targeted. First thing out of my mouth, Ahhh crap, another NWN type system. Every time I play this game I am reminded that this game is more like NWN and not an MMO. Thats not to say I dont like the game, just the opposite, I really love some of the features of the game, but for me, the ability to move about the world freely is what gives the world true life. Having predefined pathways of walking is going in the opposite direction and that hurts games of today. I played NWN and I loved it, for what it was, a simple point and click hack and slash game. This game was supposed to be much more then that, but in reality, its still the same and in the end, I think it will cost them a huge playerbase of people that they could have had if only the people had of had the ability to move freely about the world.
The graphics in this game are outstanding and very well done,but again, not being able to move about freely detracts from the graphics and reminds you that its not truely the 3d world you had hoped for.
The devs however seem to listen to their playerbase and maybe just maybe, it might be something that they can change. Here is for hope that it does!
May 04, 2005, 01:36 AM // 01:36
Pre-Searing Cadet
Well put DD.
I can't agree more.
I heard about GW for months. Touted as one of the best games in it's genre..... etc, lather, rinse, repeat.
Except the linear technology is DEAD. It's ancient, outdated...
Total immersion is where it's at... Freedom of movement.
So, some of you people are real tools, I must say. Must feel good to say I have issues from your side of the monitor. But, hey, OMGWTFBBQ!!1!!! U w1nz da 1nt3rn3t.
Well, guess what. I agree with posters who say/predict a short popularity buff for GW, then GONE! Because of old, stale technology...
Some of you seem SO desparate for a new game, other than what you were playing before, that you'll NOT say what's on your mind? Everything is hunky dorey? And if anyone else thinks aloud, then OMGGOAWAY n00b !!
Bah. I'll continue on my merry way. Some of you asswipes have already spoiled my gameplay, and I hadn't even bought the game yet.
GG GW community trolls. Keep the new players away. So all 200 of you can bash eachothers brains out in 6 months, while the rest of us are playing something else.
May 04, 2005, 02:21 AM // 02:21
Wilds Pathfinder
Join Date: Apr 2005
Location: TX
Guild: Crimson ScS
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I Havent read all of these posts sorry if this has already been covered.
Swiming: No way in hell is this possible, your in full armor its heavy.
Jumping: Mabey a 1/2 in. vertical again, your in full armor.
May 04, 2005, 02:54 AM // 02:54
Ascalonian Squire
Ok, let me rephrase something so that we dont have people coming out and telling me you cant swim in full plate or you cant jump cause your in full plate. Realism is the wrong word being used and yes, I even used it in my above post. I think the correct wording would be more along the lines of immersion.
Immerse- # To engage wholly or deeply; absorb: scholars who immerse themselves in their subjects.
it is kinda the same thing in an MMO. being stuck to the ground does not add to that feeling and in many ways deeply subtracts from that feeling. Nothing we say about an MMO can really use the world realism as none of the stuff going on in those games are actually from the real world. If it was truely realistic, it would be pretty dang boring.
I like freedom. freedom to make my own choices on where to go and what to do. being tied down to the world severely limits my ability to do anything except what has been predefined for me. But then again, predefined is the exact opposite of freedom.
May 04, 2005, 04:04 AM // 04:04
Krytan Explorer
Join Date: May 2005
Guild: Dark Nightmare
Profession: E/
Originally Posted by Vermilion Okeanos
for jumping... type /jump =P
but really... not needed, not trying to make this game into a FPS.
and climbing... not even FPS have climbing... unless given a ladder or stairs.
See...you can jump...
It's just that you don't need to...though it's amusing to watch some of the models do their jumping sequences.
As for climbing in an FPS...don't play FPS' where you can "climb" play THE FPS where you can fly...*cough* Tribes *cough*. Flyings better. deal with it.
As for swimming...Why do you need to swim? The map is so huge it would take hours to walk from edge to opposite edge, if you removed all the monsters. By not having these "basic" functions, the game can cut down on size, loading times, etc. And it makes the maps more "linear," if that's what you want to call the GW maps(though I look at them as 'demons', because it's a 'demon' to get around some maps that seem to swirve back and forth while you move 10 ft North or some such.)
If you're so hindered by not being able to do "basic" human functions, then you can remember this:
Originally Posted by Manderlock
I Havent read all of these posts sorry if this has already been covered.
Swiming: No way in hell is this possible, your in full armor its heavy.
Jumping: Mabey a 1/2 in. vertical again, your in full armor.
But if the heavy armor thing is true, then Halo has a few problems...because some how...MC can jump and run in that 1 ton armor, yet feels the recoil of a weak machine gun...
Anyways, I've said what I wanted...sorry about all the FPS references...
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