I've seen a post like this before, were the OP wanted to remove titles from his list because it was apparently "an issue".
I have to say, I dont see why its a problem?
The title menu is something, I personally, look at very rarely! I maybe open it up about 3 or 4 times, within 3 hours of playing. If at all.
The way I see it, most people have one title they like to show off, and they tend to stick to it the majority of the time.
This means you spend very little time, in the title window.
Plus how is having 76+ titles listed in a window, that isnt obstructive, and can be hiddent, and is rarely view, cause you a problem?
And you state, that you have NO max titles right. So why are you bothered about titles? If you never use your titles, then why are you bothered about the title window?
Dont use it!
Its one of those things, that if you dont want to bother with it, you DONT have to.
I dont think this is something Anet should waste time and effort on IMO! And what if you later want those titles back? what if you change your mind.
You basically want a way to re-arrange and chance the order of the titles menu. That isnt exactly a priority in the grand scheme of the game.
/not signed because its completely redudant, because you can completely ignore the titles anyway.