Show out of stock items at NPC traders
Currently when an NPC trader runs out of stock of an item, its entry just vanishes from the trader until stock is obtained again. Then someone comes and complains about the trader being bugged (I did this after fleeing from AOE was introduced and 3 of the sup ele runes went out of stock).
And if a new item is added, players might not know its there. For instance a recent update made passage scrolls tradable in scroll traders. However until someone comes along and looks at the sell tab while they have a passage scroll in their inventory (meaning they likely also need an xp scroll to sell), no-one will know about it. I only found out about them being there because I noticed that the trader was selling Urgoz scrolls, meaning that someone had already found out and sold one.
But if the trader displayed something to indicate that he would stock them, but they are out of stock, then we won't have people coming to complain about a non-existent bug and we should get people knowing about new items at the traders quicker.
As for how the trader displays the out of stock message, I don't really care as long as its visible.