Adjusting the instances to cater themselves to party setups
Adjusting the instances to cater themselves to party setups
- This would be similar to hard mode, but it would be targeted at normal game play to make the game more accessible to mediocre players who do not have the advantage of a group of human players accompanying them.
- Smaller groups of 2-3 players filling their ranks with henchmen/hero’s would get easier areas to adventure in then a group full of human players.
- The difficulty of the instanced zone would be decreased accordingly. A single player with a party of henchmen/hero’s would not be expected to perform at the same level as a party full of human players.
- Furthermore an instanced zone which would be catered to the single individual player, or to small group of players; with fewer monsters at lower levels would have loot at lower values accordingly. Which would be more sensible then loot scaling for controlling farming.
- With more attention being made to catering instances to single players looking to explore a zone.
* Players would be given the option to endeavor in a completely new play experience, without the accompaniment of a party for assistance.
* Smaller groups of players would also be given a chance to play without needing to fill the rest of their party slots with henchmen, or hero’s.