Desert Nomad
Quote bila:
I did read it correctly. Its a bad idea because you are giving PvE benefits that are only obtainable by doing PvP.
lol sure, you don't ven know, what a shit you wrote there, that isn't correct ...
99,9% of my suggestion about changings of titles i made of page 1, were PVE only-Titles ...
Survivor Title is no PVP-Title, you dont have to play pvp to get this ******* title, in reverse, its better you don't play pvp, when u want to get this title, because pvp deaths count for the death counter !!!
And WTF is false in giving 1 sigle PvP title some benefits for PvE, what will encourange players to play more pvp with their pve characters ... ? I see totally no problem in this. No, in reverse, I'd love to see more of this, because then more PvE'lers would play more PvP too and not only, when they are in PvP-Guilds, where it makes only sense, to play with pve-charas Pvp, or with hero npc fights, which are no real 1v1 ...
When those benefits are then again for pve only, theres no problem .... a problem would be only titles which give for pvp benefits -.- THATS a problem, because this would disturb really the pvp balance.
about aggro, wow, as if 50 hp would make such a huge difference, you forget, that different classes have different max armors and possibilities to increase armor power and that beside you are 7 other players/npcs, that can buff you/the party however.
In kind of aggro, monsters go more for "who is the weakest" in fact of armor and not in fact of HP, a difference of only 50 HP is NOTHING versus a difference of 20-40+ Armor.
You can't make it you so simple and say, that cause of this 50 HP difference, mosnters will attsck in future only those, without legendary elite survivor title .. this is big nonsense, because the whole fight system is a big thing of chances and not by simple stupid fact of "who has lessest HP"
Why give the title an effect, because wisdom/treasure hunter titles have too effects and giving +1 life regeneration at least makes sense for this type of title, because the effect theoretically helps the character better to survive.
This is nothing personal, or has something to do, that players which made it to max, deserve something ... this is childish
about armors stuff, yes, thats naturally a problem, which can naturally only ecxist in Guild Wars, because developers find no way, to give the players an account based armor npc, which will give you certain armors automatically, once u've unlocked then once, so that the players has then only to do a little repeatable quest to receive whatever armor u want,. without having to pay money/stuff for it, or to find a way to put your armor in storage, where it gets then un-personalized, so that when u delete then ur character and remade it with same name naturally the player wont lose the armor, cause of the change of the character-id, when u take out then ur armor again out of storage, it gets again personalied to the character, which equips the item.
or an other way, anet finally kicks out completelxy this stupid armor personalizing, because its annoying and total senseless, it only stops people from selling armors -.-. wow, very useful feature.
When i want buy a new armor, im unable to sell my old one, cause of this shit, very well thought out ...
false, i worked for the title in expectation of a reward, don't lay words into my mouth, that you can't know, that I think so. I worked for it, in hope, that there will be for GW2 a reward by the HoM and now im in the moment a bit disappointed, that the dumb hall honors only pvp titles.
This brought me to the conclusion, that more titles need little pve benefits, not only wisdom/treasure title ...
Ahh, there is it again, the typical ignorant, intolerant answer of those gamers, which see in every bit of "work" direct death grinding and which fear most, that GW2 will become a real MMORPG, something like Line Age 2, LotRO, D&DO, RO 2 and those much free ones, like RAPPELZ or Granado Espada (beta) and naturally the most hated, but ever most compared, as if it would be the god of MMORPG's > WoW ..
thy typical answer: when You ..blah blah bla, then leave blah bla blah
Get grown up and learn to accept, that people have criticism and will write them, will have other opinions and so on. Thats no reason to say ever to others, that they should leave, when they don't like something.
with this sentence i meant, that a lvl 20 cap is simple not enough for creating balance, that it helps not alone.
Lvl 20 cap alone is sensless, because with the same gameplay of GW, developers could theoretically increase max level to 100, nothing would change in calance, because every players would have only instead of average ~500 HP then ~2500 HP .. fights would take then only lonfger time, because it would simple only take longer to kill something, when nothing changes at the strengh of skills ancd the attribute system.