add greek helmet
it would be awesome if the added a greek style helmet to the armor with the chest piece with the two horses (nightfall). its like the coolest helmet design i can think of and it would be way cooler than the current on which is basically the pvp helm with a different skin. it would sort of add a historical feel to the game, i think its a crime that theyve representted so many ethnicities before they added the greek style. i dont think thats asking that much, besides they probably drew inspiration from it. the droks knights(female) 1.5 and knights 15 k(less) have a very similar visor. so does boba fet in star wars if you think of it. i would really love it if they made the addition of this style of helm, it is seriously the coolest helm in human history.
Last edited by populationcontrol; Sep 23, 2007 at 05:13 AM // 05:13..