Unused skill points should disappear to reflect the natural decay of abilities from never using them. For those who want to use them, Skill points can be converted to XP at a rate of 5k per point.
Characters with massive XP totals should acquire permanent attribute penalties and be warned that the next time they die it will become permanent (to reflect what happens in real life). Upon that death, the characters are sent to an outpost with no exit where they will permanently reside. That way they can complain all day about things like: Why the zone is so crowded; How the people you dislike ended up there too; How all the trade chat spam and fancy items were useless because you can't use them anymore; or they can just sit around and regret how they spent their character's lives. Those who gain acceptance that they will spend eternity in this zone will end up happier than others.
On a serious note, I would vote for something to help reduce grind and not just another reason to encourage it. Like that scroll of Kurzick/Luxon faction thing.