Everything has changed in the "preparation"/beta testing. If I'm not mistaken, some areas still are huge on supply and demand (like the Dye Trader in Lions Arch) and others keep a reasonable price no matter what.
Goods and gold especially were hard to come by in the first BWEs because, IMO, most people were just getting a feel for the game and not going too far. Its further on in the game where the drops become amazing and you hope that something drops that will eventually be useful for you. It happened for me but it was just a few hours before the beta closed... I got a pic of it and hopefully I'll find it again, if not something much better.
Back to the question at hand... things WILL remain plentiful as they currently are. The only changes will be those that will continue to improve the GW economy and its community.
Hope that answers your questions. If not, hopefully others will post here to fill in where I didn't.