Gaile, my dear. My most favoritest person in the whole world. I have a request. Its just a small one. A trifle really. Ummmm, you know the cute little bunny in pre-sear? Can't we have him as a pet? Please!!! *assumes begging position* I''ll name him after whoever writes the code for it. Honest! lol.
i dont understand why people want to nerf IWAY. if it is as possible to beat it as any other build, i just dont see the problem. i personnaly never did tombs, only CA and TA, but i watched people play and saw IWAY being beaten many times.
btw, i would be greatful if some sort of random 8vs8 arena was created for ppl that want to play with lots of players without the need to have a rank. when i tried to do tombs, ppl didnt want me in their team because i didnt have a rank. which is stupid because how was I supposed to get ranks if i couldnt get in a team...
Last edited by kais; Jan 03, 2006 at 04:15 AM // 04:15..
Gaile, my dear. My most favoritest person in the whole world. I have a request. Its just a small one. A trifle really. Ummmm, you know the cute little bunny in pre-sear? Can't we have him as a pet? Please!!! *assumes begging position* I''ll name him after whoever writes the code for it. Honest! lol.
Yes, pleeeeez
I hate it when the game tells me that the bunny, my dearest friend in pre-sear, is not an animal. What is then? A plant? And wouldn't it be neat to have a "lv 20 Killer Rabbit"?
Also I have pondered whether I could charm the fish at LA... or the Frog up there. The world is full of animals.
BTW, Brother Andicus... Changing skills like that is also hurting pve -_-
There are two sides to this game that some people are not looking into. I am very active in tombs and im rank 7... However I still dont think its fair to nerf skills that pve players can use as they are now... Not that enemy monsters have a limited energy... lol. Ive also noticed the ghostly's in tombs have unlimited energy O_o why? answer that gaile... answer that! lol
Just a rumor that I heard however they are considering dropping the maximum number of the same profession to three per team, Soo ranger spike will have to be done with three rangers... not hard, however dropping hero's and warriors will be a very timed spike... IWAY, will probably be ran three warriors, three rangers, two necro's... Several things can change, and IWAY is a very simple build that can be modified to be much more powerful, however the majority of iway players just want a quick fame...
What people dont understand is in, nerffing IWAY builds is nerffing the pve status of the game, which isnt fair to those who dont find pvp interesting. How often do you see in pve, "Hey, lets run IWAY". Never have I seen that on a serious note... Understand before you put your thoughts into builds, that there is more than just pvp.
I do not however agree with IWAY, I feel its a bug in the system that needs fixed. Such as teams must have a more complex build, such as each team must require x amount of professions... Whereas rainbow spikes would be more popular. Requiring more skill of course, making the hall of hero's a much more skill based aspect in the game.
Whatever path they take in "nerffing" IWAY, I feel it wont be one that makes the players in the game happy, because those getting beat by IWAY now, will probably still be getting beat by IWAY then, which shows their issues in; lack of skill, ignorance, and self control.
I call BS theres too many people that will get mad eto do that.
I think that allowing people to choose different characters is an unfavorable decision. It would offset skill and change the game into luck. If you're going to have races, you're probably going to have at the minimum 3 or 4.
So lets look at the possible characters you'll encounter with 4 races.
36 possible class choices
4 possible races
144 possible character combinations
576 possible different character type teams in Competition arenas (4 to a team)
144 current different character type teams in Competition arenas
Now yeah, I'd like the diversity, but with such a broad range, countering could come to countering Dwarves, Elves, Humans, Char, Mesmer, Monk, Warrior, Ranger, Neceromancer, Elementalist, and a combination of those, making this game more about luck of the draw than skill.
All I can say is, if guild wars lets you play as elves or dwarves are whatever you can dream up in subsequent chapters, I'm liquidating my guild wars items all into platinum and giving it to a friend and uninstalling the game.
The only reason GW has a such a strong pull to me is because there are no stupid, weird-assed fantasy aspects that you can actually participate in.
The slightly realistic feel it has now is what I like about the game. D:
No offence but this game is slightly real? Yeah I can summon undead in real life. I can also shoot a magical wand as well fight giant worms and bull looking creatures that stand on two legs. This is a game in the fantasy genre and I do think we need more races.
Galicer. You forgot the mutated spiders from the neightbours that are now running around in the jungle and desert.
We already have more races, but i dont think we need more playable races. Humans are fine. It aint World Of Warcraft.
The second problem is. Do you give the other races other fuctions or abilities??
Galicer. You forgot the mutated spiders from the neightbours that are now running around in the jungle and desert.
We already have more races, but i dont think we need more playable races. Humans are fine. It aint World Of Warcraft.
The second problem is. Do you give the other races other fuctions or abilities??
Location: Spiral of The Red Rose, Kryta (Columbus, IN)
Guild: Heros of Titans Realm [HotR]
Profession: E/
I don't want to see Elves in Guildwars either as a playable race or a race we can't play.
I would like to be able to EARN the ability of playing another race in the game. Let' say you need 100,000 Faction, 100,000 Gold and something else bizzare, like 1,000 Stone Summit Badges. I think that should enable you to go and be able to unlock or something the ability to play as a Dwarf. Again, limiting the first three classes you can play and having to earn them ON the Dwarf account.
That there would make players have to really work to play that mystical looking Divine Favor monk, or that crazy spellcasting mesmer dwarf. Get my flow?
I do think we should be allowed to play Human, Dwarf and another type of person in the game. Guildwars Chapter 1 featured Dwarves and still does, I think we should be able to play as them (after earning it.)
I dropped city of heroes shortly after they introduced the 2 new races, seeing that I would have to grind endlessly to get a max character to unlock the 2, I felt my time was better spend on GW, I just hate grinding, if new races in GW was obtainable only through grinding, I would again find another game to slack through, Im not into grinding.
Location: Spiral of The Red Rose, Kryta (Columbus, IN)
Guild: Heros of Titans Realm [HotR]
Profession: E/
The THree
The Three Races we should be able to play are Human, Dwarf and Halfling. What? Why? Simple. We already have them. Here, view.
See, the Bandit's in presear are simply a group of humanoids that are halflings of Grawl and Dwarven (and more?). We haven't had these guys explained to us, why they're their, etc. So, it's my beliefe that we should have these fellows. They're not accept in Ascalon and abroad so it's simple to see that they are only "enimies" because Rurik and his kingdom rejects them.
I dropped city of heroes shortly after they introduced the 2 new races, seeing that I would have to grind endlessly to get a max character to unlock the 2, I felt my time was better spend on GW, I just hate grinding, if new races in GW was obtainable only through grinding, I would again find another game to slack through, Im not into grinding.
See Poised, you wouldn't HAVE to work to unlock these characters. You can choose too, but your not forced too. It would just give players the opition of having something else todo once they've completed the game with character A, then they can play with new race character B and see how he works, if he has the same sidequests, etc.
Last edited by Neriandal Freit; Jan 03, 2006 at 02:32 PM // 14:32..
No offence but this game is slightly real? Yeah I can summon undead in real life. I can also shoot a magical wand as well fight giant worms and bull looking creatures that stand on two legs. This is a game in the fantasy genre and I do think we need more races.
I would actually agree with the previos post, in that i like the semi-reality of this game. I think we can safely say that only humans are playing this game and we can only play human characters and the game takes place on an earth type environment as far as geography is concerned. It's these connections that give this game a "real" feal. Now the rest of it... obvoiusly fantasy, and there is your escape from reality. Not a bad combination.
Now since this is all speculation here is my two cents on new races issue.
Anet seems to have already set the standard on toon distinction. We are recognized by our class, not race. However race isn't only Dwarf, Elf, Human, or little green martian. The Webster New World Dictionary defines race as "any of the different varieties or populations of human beings distinguished by a) physical traits such as hair, skin color, body shape, etc...". If i remember correctly there is this whole character creation section where you pick each of these. At the end of the definition it says "... loosely, a) any geographical population..." Hmmm, where does this assassin come from? Maybe the whole new race idea is just a new population of people.
Since this kinda turned into IWAY discussion... I do believe that IWAY is annoying I do not however think it is unbeatable by any means. My guild's spike easily beats IWAY. We just kill and back up from wells. And our healers keep everyone up. Bottom Line: IWAY is OVERUSED and ANNOYING, not unbeatable.
P.S.-Hope they don't put limit on type of character in profession... my guild runs an all monk build in tombs.
P.S.S-I would love to see a shapeshifter profession in Chapter 2!
Toilet Monster: No, you will not have to buy Chapter 2 to continue playing Chapter 1. However, you'll certainly be missing out on a lot, and the overall cost is still less than that of other MMORPGs.
I don't think we really need to have different races. I mean, I wouldn't be opposed to cosmetic differences, but we don't need to worry about balancing another aspect of the game. It'd be too messy.
But we DO need to charm that rabbit. Gaile Gray, if there's one thing I ask of you ever in this game, it is that you use your influence to allow the charming of the bunny. PLEASE, I BEG OF YOU! I am upon my knees praying for this, and it's making it hard to type. BUT I am willing to make the sacrifice!
Location: Spiral of The Red Rose, Kryta (Columbus, IN)
Guild: Heros of Titans Realm [HotR]
Profession: E/
Originally Posted by Tarot Ribos
Toilet Monster: No, you will not have to buy Chapter 2 to continue playing Chapter 1. However, you'll certainly be missing out on a lot, and the overall cost is still less than that of other MMORPGs.
I don't think we really need to have different races. I mean, I wouldn't be opposed to cosmetic differences, but we don't need to worry about balancing another aspect of the game. It'd be too messy.
But we DO need to charm that rabbit. Gaile Gray, if there's one thing I ask of you ever in this game, it is that you use your influence to allow the charming of the bunny. PLEASE, I BEG OF YOU! I am upon my knees praying for this, and it's making it hard to type. BUT I am willing to make the sacrifice!
Hell, if you guys are wanting tha bunny charmed I think we also need that Bull to be charmable as well, after all, he is only a one time thing and the only bull in the entire game. Or, better yet, they should make it so there is like a 1 in a 1,000 chance he'll be green when you go to get rid of it.