How much gold is enough?
What difference does it make WHAT drops as long as you make money?
If everyone is farming to make plats only then who cares? Go farm Griffons or hydras in the desert and get 25G a wing or claw,
Newsflash, once you get 1000 plat and 200-300K on your other charatcers and a few ectos and other rare materials, the games get prety boring pretty quickly.
Any farmer that wants to grind it out and farm, farm, farm, can make 3-4 plats an hours WITHOUT uber drops. That is roughly 250-350 hours (about a month to 6 weeks of solid play) to make enough plat to not be able to store anymore money.
After that what are you going to spend it on? That is the greatest irnoy. The 55 buiders are most generally the cheapest bstards in the game. Even though they can make more, quicker than anyone they refuse to spend money on anything.
So ultimately what good does having the money do?
Let me tell you..not a whole hell of a lot.