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Old Jan 20, 2006, 05:56 AM // 05:56   #141
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So, who else blew a load of cash on this event?

I've been meaning to get mesmer fissure armor, was at 93 ecto, 24 shards, and a few hundred thousand gold..

I've always wanted a shadow blade since I started, and now that I can... well.. I'd do anything.. Best price I found? 20 ecto.. the guy was really nice and gave it to me for 19 :]..

[I did a 2 hour run earlier and got Kole's Gauntlet [what a gip! 3/8 get a green for all that hard work, and some of them are just blegh!!] and sold it for 20k [It's a pretty useless item to me, I don't use a necro, and if I do, I'm not running him through poison and I'm too cool to be hit by poison tipped arrows...]

So the morale of the story? I spent ~152k on something that I can get in a week or so for about 80k, most likely......

*cough*, this was the only item I spent a lot of money on, ever, though.... so I guess it's OK.
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Old Jan 20, 2006, 06:07 AM // 06:07   #142
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I sold my Recurve Bow for almost 60K, I didn't want to rip the guy off and I already though 60K was too much to pay for it. I just hope he dosen't resell it for 100K or more lol...
Now off to get the sword....
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Old Jan 20, 2006, 06:21 AM // 06:21   #143
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Originally Posted by berko
I sold my Recurve Bow for almost 60K, I didn't want to rip the guy off and I already though 60K was too much to pay for it. I just hope he dosen't resell it for 100K or more lol...
Now off to get the sword....
haha i did that same thing, i sold for 60k, if it was a flat or short/halfmoon, id sell it for like 100k with its great stats and looks
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Old Jan 20, 2006, 06:22 AM // 06:22   #144
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Originally Posted by Fluffyx
Was the guild wars economy EVER balanced? Jeez the games economy changes so rapidly its not like the economy hasnt been "ruined" before. These new weapons may cause a small bump in the selling prices of greens but it will drop again seeing as these are really nothing special. A few are worth picking up but others are just trash. To everyone thats complaining about "rare" skin items and everyone looking the same, tell me when they released the razor stone how many people did you see walking around with sephis axes :P? In the end its your choice what to equip your character with I believe its fair that everyone if they play smart enough can get what they want in this game.

My own experience with the tombs entrance to the UW is that small groups unless you play smart will get owned. Bring hex removals and prepare for damage spikes. Also watch out for worms they're a beootch

No greens that run but ectos dropped at least. :]
bring MM...all is easy

Originally Posted by Miss Temptress
the knife looks pretty interesting!
sell you mine for 20 ecto

Last edited by Manic Smile; Jan 20, 2006 at 06:32 AM // 06:32..
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Old Jan 20, 2006, 07:02 AM // 07:02   #145
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anet has said that mutli-attributed elementalists will become more viable. i guess, possibly, this happens with the other new skills too for other professions. if true, this means that these greens will become more useful - for example, the Earth staff with 10/10. A player might only have a ward in earth magic, and use a mixture of illusion and domination spells - but fast casting on the ward might be just as important as on the other attributes. i dunno, i just feel this insurgence of 10/10 items is hinting at said trend.
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Old Jan 20, 2006, 07:59 AM // 07:59   #146
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I'm hope it will stay like it is, i was in there quite quick and got a vitco's blade sold it for 50 ecto which isn't bad last time i checked LA for 50 ecto i could buy 2 of them so prices have droped by half in 6 hours.
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Old Jan 20, 2006, 08:14 AM // 08:14   #147
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The new staffs can ppl say the war items are all thats good?

I say Bulwark and Blade is best...but the close 2nd place falls to each staff...

Reason why...10 pct chance for 1/2 RECHARGE AND CAST TIME (not 10 pct recharge or cast time) A FULL FREAKIN HALF!!!

Its been 10 pct, they upped it a whole 40...and the best part...

WORKS WITH ALL SPELLS!, god i have to farm this place more!!!
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Old Jan 20, 2006, 08:36 AM // 08:36   #148
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It was always 50% decrease in time. It just didn't state it before.
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Old Jan 20, 2006, 08:45 AM // 08:45   #149
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Arrow New Necro Greens

I got both the Kole's Gauntlet + Kole's Torment + I'm selling them for the best offers i can get. I will also trade both of them for the Victo's Sword. No joke, I dont have a necro so they're of no use to me.
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Old Jan 20, 2006, 09:25 AM // 09:25   #150
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I just wonder why the hell ppl pay so much for them? They r not rare or something, u can just go there and get some new green items. I was in 6 man group and got 2 in one game there. After couple trips everyone will have all collection. Why ppl pay couple hundreds for items that r even easier to get than old green ones?
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Old Jan 20, 2006, 10:05 AM // 10:05   #151
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Blegh.. A perfect Sickle, now noone will ever care about these I think this update isn't that great, this really makes golds worth much less, again.

Guess I can't do much else then farm the new Tomb thingy..
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Old Jan 20, 2006, 10:39 AM // 10:39   #152
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*wets pants*


I'm glad they are staying means i have time to get them all [well the necro, monk n warrior OOOOH N THE UBER KNIFE]

im sorry for biting at ANet when i saw that ToA ghosts werent appearing, didnt realize was a bug... THANKS ANET!!!

the thing is those dan chaos worms could have probs beaten them, but we had a tank who liked to run in...o well tonight is green night

glad there's only 1 set per char class, makes it easier to obtain them all. The axe can be made...but people will pay for the skin, the sword can be made better [5/1 instead of 3/1], I've seen better shields but these are ace. takes ages to get to them tho candy canes ftw...axe for me

3 bosses...3 drops each...9 drops....everyone gets one =D +chance of ecto..

is it only ecto n greens they drop?
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Old Jan 20, 2006, 10:41 AM // 10:41   #153
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the sword can be made better [5/1 instead of 3/1]
Max vamp for any sword is 3:1.

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Old Jan 20, 2006, 10:42 AM // 10:42   #154
Did I hear 7 heroes?
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They can drop ectos, scrolls, greens... etc.
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Old Jan 20, 2006, 11:27 AM // 11:27   #155
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I got 2 ectos in my 1st run and that was way before the end. No one else got any, lol. I also got the bulwark. Since I don't have a warrior I immediately traded it for the ele offhand that my guildie got. I knew that shield was worth a grip. He better appreciate it.
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Old Jan 20, 2006, 11:41 AM // 11:41   #156
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It's kind of amusing the ones complaining are already rich or in some cases took advantage of recent exploits/bugged items...
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Old Jan 20, 2006, 01:09 PM // 13:09   #157
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Originally Posted by Eet GnomeSmasher
Every update the schmucks claim that the economy will break, blah blah blah. Seriously...when is this doomsday economy crash supposed to happen?

Lower prices are good, people. Stop playing Trade Wars.
The economy already f*cked up. It was since they added chests and greens. Why bother when u are poor?
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Old Jan 20, 2006, 03:05 PM // 15:05   #158
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Originally Posted by Barazur
The economy already f*cked up. It was since they added chests and greens. Why bother when u are poor?
^^You bara however are not poor :P
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Old Jan 20, 2006, 03:26 PM // 15:26   #159
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I absolutely love it when A-Net shakes things up.

Anyone that is paying over 100K for one of these new greens, even the new sickle, is just plain retarded. There isn't one Sorrow's Furnace green trading for over 100K right now. Gaile Gray has already stated here:

that the changes to the Tombs are here to stay, and as a result the greens will continue to be available to be farmed, just like Sorrows. My recommendation is if you see one, sell it immediately to a less experienced player.

I think the overall lesson in GW is not to invest your wealth in items. It's just plain too risky. Invest in gold and commodities you anticipate will continue to have a high demand/high value. Those that make a heavy investment in items will always be the first to complain when those items become available to the general populace.

The sickle is the first to fall. If you are holding a crystalline sword, I'd be shaking in my boots right now.
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Old Jan 20, 2006, 03:39 PM // 15:39   #160
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Because I agree with Jetdoc I sold the Victo's Battle Axe I just found. I got 112K + 9 ectos for it (we first trade 100K + 9 ectos for the axe, then he gave me 12K, I trusted him, he was nice ). I don't really think you should pay much for these greens.

How to get them?
You can go to a place called "The Underworld" through the Tombs of Primevil Kings. You need to get through 3 maps full of annoying enemies to get to the Hall of Heroes. At the end of HOH you'll have to face 3 Mesmer bosses, all 3 are called "The Darkness". In my own run I've seen a boss drop no greens at all, one dropped 1 green and one dropped 2 greens. It took our team about 1.5 hours to complete this run, and it was sure worth it, though, look out, don't just join a random PUG that rushes in, since this is pretty hard.

Good luck gettign some new green items!
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