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Old May 26, 2006, 08:48 PM // 20:48   #21
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yay, good job anet!
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Old May 26, 2006, 08:59 PM // 20:59   #22
Desert Nomad
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Originally Posted by Fist_of_God
Maybe, but in the end its all about the bottom line...$$.
Anet bans 1000 accounts for botting, so they whom have been banned, have to buy 1000 copies. Next thing we will hear is another PR BS message about how much GW sales have increased.
I found that ironic and funny.

Good for Anet on catching them. Hope they keep at it - I've been rather happy with many of the things they'v been changing and doing of late: this being another one.
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Old May 26, 2006, 09:14 PM // 21:14   #23
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Please, let's not hi-jack this thread with a discussion on professions and skills. Thanks
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Old May 26, 2006, 09:16 PM // 21:16   #24
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what does affect economy more ?
A. bot users farming troll shit
B. increased droprate for superior absorption, you can buy it for 4k now instead of 60-100k
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Old May 26, 2006, 09:27 PM // 21:27   #25
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Originally Posted by {integral}
In the last week, we have closed more than one thousand accounts of those using third-party programs, and we will continue to take similar action in the future.
So, are the programs in the downloads section of this site, such as MapMark and GWfreaks counted as third-party programs that would warrant being banned? I always assumed since they are hosted on this site for download that they would be safe, but I still haven't tried them for fear of either account theft or a ban.
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Old May 26, 2006, 09:29 PM // 21:29   #26
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Originally Posted by Wildi
what does affect economy more ?
A. bot users farming troll shit
B. increased droprate for superior absorption, you can buy it for 4k now instead of 60-100k
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Old May 26, 2006, 10:15 PM // 22:15   #27
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Originally Posted by Wildi
what does affect economy more ?
A. bot users farming troll shit
B. increased droprate for superior absorption, you can buy it for 4k now instead of 60-100k
well, from the announcement I believe that Sup Vigors were increased along with Sup Absorb. They, however, have been doing rather well lately (compared to Absorb). I think it has more to do with demand. There are a shitload of Ritualists and Assassins with the new release trying out th enew classes, therefore demand for Absorb has gone down for now (I suspect will will rise a bit someday when the newness wears off, though maybe not to previous levels). You should've investd in Major Vigors, which were cheap and have gone up considerably since release. I know quite a few ppl that realized that and made a small fortune..
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Old May 26, 2006, 10:20 PM // 22:20   #28
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How do you determin how to ban someone? Seeing the same movement over the next couple of hours? Because you can target the innocent just farming a bit. And how is it even possible to detect a third party program out of millions?
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Old May 26, 2006, 10:34 PM // 22:34   #29
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omg. wo!

three cheers for Anet!!!
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Old May 26, 2006, 10:34 PM // 22:34   #30
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Originally Posted by erick5876
So, are the programs in the downloads section of this site, such as MapMark and GWfreaks counted as third-party programs that would warrant being banned? I always assumed since they are hosted on this site for download that they would be safe, but I still haven't tried them for fear of either account theft or a ban.
No, because they do not attempt to link to your guildwars account and modify the information being sent to the server. They are 3rd party apps, yes, but they don't affect what guildwars does when it is run.
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Old May 26, 2006, 10:38 PM // 22:38   #31
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Originally Posted by Lint
How do you determin how to ban someone? Seeing the same movement over the next couple of hours? Because you can target the innocent just farming a bit. And how is it even possible to detect a third party program out of millions?
It could've been over the past ~6,480 hours or 1000 hours or 100 hours. It doesn't have to be just a few hours.. As far as the second part, a person doesn't have to detect one out of millions, rather a computer does (which, however they did it, was probably trivial). They just have to check the ones that came back positive and weed those out.
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Old May 26, 2006, 10:49 PM // 22:49   #32
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Originally Posted by dargon
No, because they do not attempt to link to your guildwars account and modify the information being sent to the server. They are 3rd party apps, yes, but they don't affect what guildwars does when it is run.
I think this helps clear up both the question and the reply:

Originally Posted by
third party
1. A political party organized as opposition to the existing parties in a two-party system.
2. One other than the principals involved in a transaction: I pay rent to a third party, not directly to the landlord.
Neither of those programs are involved in the transaction between you (via your game client) and arenanet (via their server). It would be kind of like the Guru database today. 10% of the time it is a 3rd party app (it passes our responses on to the website's responses for others to view), and 90% of the time it is not (appearing to do nothing but give an error) a 3rd party app. :-)
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Old May 26, 2006, 10:53 PM // 22:53   #33
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Originally Posted by Gaile Gray
We banned the bot users strictly to protect the game. I am not even sure that people who were banned for bot use would buy a second copy and restart. If they rely on bots to get anywhere, and they know we're actively pursuing bot users...

The "resale to bot users" was never part of our discussions about doing this. Our interest--pure and simple--is keeping the economy good, and keeping bad people out of Profiteer Corner--at your expense!

Sometimes companies do things with all the right reasons, and the outcome is completely good. Sometimes there is not a conspiracy to theorize about.
You have to start somewhere....
I applaud the effort, and the first step...
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Old May 26, 2006, 10:54 PM // 22:54   #34
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Gaile could you autograph my ass?

Oh, and the bot killing is fantastic and such.
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Old May 26, 2006, 11:44 PM // 23:44   #35
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SO my question is HOW are they going to keep the bot-ers from buying new copies and starting over again (seeing as it was a pretty good business for them in the first place, dont see how having to purchase a few more copies is going to kill business-cut profits yes, kill business no).....ne1?
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Old May 26, 2006, 11:55 PM // 23:55   #36
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A copy of guild wars for a company is around 10-15 bucks at most. They will buy them in bulk, for a bulk discount. It takes less then 3 hours for a player to get a pve character to level 20. Now, if they make 5k/h they simply need 40 hours to make 200k to recover the lost gold. Now lets say arena net banned every bot today. Tomorow the prices will be skyrocketing for gold to even it out. The market's price for rare items will lower down some, and it will even out. This is the reality of the situation.

I completly understand ArenaNets position in banning bot accounts. They have alot of players asking for a solution, and they don't want there games economics distroyed like IGE did to EQ. What very few people fail to grasp is that the 1000 is split over 100 company's. Average out to 10 accounts at 10 bucks per, $100 dollars plus whatever the account had. Of course it still means 10k in profits for the ban for Arenanet, which is not going to sweat 10k, as they just put in the man hours to hunt these guys down that cost them about as much....

So forgive me if i sound cynical, However how many of you have seen this before? Each game try's this, each game loses. Unfortantly it's either distroy your own economy, or make fedal attemps.

The last thing i have to say, and i'm sure you could care less, is that these 3rd party bot programs are not running silent. They are injecting the server itself with false information. Otherwise it would be unable to detect. For instance, if you use an action program that sends the correct sequence of button press's the only way to figure out the difference is manuel observation. No, ArenaNet cannot tell the difference between a command comming from your keyboard, or from a binary command. So basicly those 1k accounts where all hacking attemps of either idiot kids or companys that plan to gain alot more then 5k/H. Thus, it would most likely only take a few hours to get the money to replace the accounts.

So in short, Well congrats on your Victory. Tomorow things will remain the same. To be honest though, factions was your best invention for the stoping of farming as that game can't be farmed without a living group. You might as well change back some of the farming to reflect that style of groups. Yes, if every farming spot had a mez, there would be no more 55 farming, and a stance breaker, for w/mo farming, and you raised your economy and stoped 1 man farming completely....Till someone figures a new way.
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Old May 27, 2006, 12:04 AM // 00:04   #37
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Shadex... don't take this the wrong way, but you don't know as much about detecting bots as you think you do.
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Old May 27, 2006, 12:13 AM // 00:13   #38
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Really and truly, you can farm and bot anything in GW. The spawns arent human and they cant adapt or change builds/armors etc,

Botters will stop when they arent making money. Simple.

This is wholly up to the community. Anet can only kill so many bots.
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Old May 27, 2006, 12:26 AM // 00:26   #39
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Hooray for Bot Banning, I say. Has anyone but me noticed the drop in prices at the rune trader? The only one I'll never be able to afford now is the superior Vigor, and most of the others have dropped below 1k. Anyone have any idea if this is because of the bot banning?
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Old May 27, 2006, 12:32 AM // 00:32   #40
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I thought something was up when i went to ToA to buy ecto, not one single chinese spammer to buy from.
I'd like to see 1000 bots banned everyday, might stop the eBay madness in guildwars, seems everyone is stinking rich.

Great job on the current bannings anyway, better some bans than none i supose.
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