Mantra of Insriptions + Cautery signet would be nice. It would be pretty much on par with Martyr recharge time wise.
As for the burning...
Martyr is inferior when you have another monk on your team with condition removal. Cautery signet's burning can be removed with a mend condition while the Condition STACK obtained via marytr has to be Purge-Conditioned (recharge is bad) or youor the other monk will end up using mass energy spamming mend ailment/ mend condition/etc to remove multiple conditions.
Basically Martyr is good if you got another person to purge condition/ restore condition wheras Cautery Signet is better if you cannot afford to use Martyr because the condition stacks are deadly (deep wound + bleed + poison + dazed is bad)...
Dude you don't get it. If martyr gives Me/Mo a condition stack no one cares. Any damage done by condition stack can be healed with mend ailment, which has healing bonus for EACH condition left on the person after removal. Me/Mo casts martyr in 0.75 or less. The only condition that would affect Me/Mo is daze and it is never used in gvg and ha. Also it would get called and removed with other skills. Condition stacks are totally not deadly if they are on one specific person in a team.
And monks don't need to spend much energy. Either that mesmer is under fire, in which case conditions only produce a small fraction of damage he is taking and at the same time provide large heal when Mend Ailment is cast and the scenario #2 is that mesmer is not under fire in which case heal party spam will cover any damage from conditions easily. No extra removal from monk needed.
Any disease and bleed(melandru's arrows) heavy build will be really happy to plant distracting shot on your cautery signet. Kinda harder to do so on fastcasted martyr. Good teams in pvp, they will try to kill the counters to their build and any condition overload build has rangers or trappers with distracting shot. And here you are spending your elite for mass condition removal, taking the one with 2 sec cast means gg for you.
Last edited by Spura; Sep 04, 2006 at 04:28 PM // 16:28..
Spura, I totally see why you say that. But I'm talking about P/Me... not Mo/P
If you have a Paragon with condition removal and also damage via spear it would free up your monks because they would only have to remove conditions from one person.