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Old Oct 30, 2006, 09:10 AM // 09:10   #1
Desert Nomad
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Default A big applause for Anet and the developers of Nightfall

With the coming of Factions, a lot of flame-threads were created. Sadly enough people did not recognize the hard work the developers put into it. They should realize it is not realistic to demand them to satisfy everyone at the same time.

That is why I have created this thread, to say thanks to the developers of Nightfall. In stead of a flame thread, this game really deserves a big commendation.

Though there were ofcourse some (very few) things I would not have liked to see, I will not concentrate hate on that. In stead I will enjoy every second of this great game and the fun new stuff they have offered us.

If you agree with me on this, please leave a message. Please do not start to rant here on all things that are wrong. For that purpose, create a new thread.

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Old Oct 30, 2006, 09:11 AM // 09:11   #2
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Old Oct 30, 2006, 09:15 AM // 09:15   #3
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Nightfall is for PvE, what Factions was, for PvP. In that respect, ArenaNet have done a stellar job, so thank you, very much, for giving us a third campaign that lives up to the previous 2.
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Old Oct 30, 2006, 09:17 AM // 09:17   #4
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/wholeheartedly agree

Seriously, all the whiners and complainer are acting like nothing more than spoiled brats. I haven't come up with one legitimate complaint with NF since it came out. The only complaint I had was the materials storage with my prophecies characters, and they got that fixed very quickly. Geez, I've seen nothing but improvements and people still wanna act like they wasted their money. Guess they want to get a free game AND play for free. Hey, Runescape is still free...
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Old Oct 30, 2006, 09:42 AM // 09:42   #5
Frost Gate Guardian
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Congrats Anet... what a wonderful game...
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Old Oct 30, 2006, 10:29 AM // 10:29   #6
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Absolutely agree 100%!

I am enjoying Nightfall in the same way that I enjoyed Prophecy for the first time. I never did get that sense of awe in Nightfall.

The maps are huge again, the scenery absolutely stunning, the heros are a great addition and make the game so much more involved, and the quests and missions seem nicely balanced.

I bought the Collectors Edition and personally I think it is a very nicely done and extremely classy package too.
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Old Oct 30, 2006, 10:35 AM // 10:35   #7
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It's about time ANet got praise for their (maniacal?) efforts, after all the morons screaming at them at the slightest things.

ArenaNet, I /salute you for the classic job you've done with GW
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Old Oct 30, 2006, 10:37 AM // 10:37   #8
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Old Oct 30, 2006, 10:47 AM // 10:47   #9
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Could'nt agree more.

A/Net have done a excellent job with Nfall and it lived up to all my expectations.

Well done A/Net

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Old Oct 30, 2006, 10:51 AM // 10:51   #10
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Nightfall is *really* outstanding, but can I add a cheer for Factions too? I loved it and I'm only a PvE'r. Sorry if this now becomes a flame thread.
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Old Oct 30, 2006, 10:55 AM // 10:55   #11
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go anet WOOOO

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Old Oct 30, 2006, 11:10 AM // 11:10   #12
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Old Oct 30, 2006, 11:15 AM // 11:15   #13
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Nightfall has to be one of the most beautiful games I've ever had pleasure of playing.
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Old Oct 30, 2006, 11:15 AM // 11:15   #14
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Old Oct 30, 2006, 11:17 AM // 11:17   #15
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Yeah great work on Nightfall. As soon as all the bugs are fleshed out, it will complete the game nicely^^.
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Old Oct 30, 2006, 11:38 AM // 11:38   #16
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In my opinion Nightfall is the best chapter of Guild Wars.
The story is better and funnier than in 2 earlier chapters, heroes and other characters have great personalities, there are more interresting and beautiful places to explore and mysteries to solve. New funny and freaky armors bring some nice change and the new way to upgrade armors is great.
I'm really enjoying playing the game, for me it's like reading a really good book.
Only little bit annoying part in this chapter is grinding the sunspear promotion points, but on the other hand it is rather good thing that it's there. Players take it a bit more slowly in that point and can enjoy the first trip through Elona little bit longer.

Thank you for this new delicious chapter and keep up the good work
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Old Oct 30, 2006, 11:42 AM // 11:42   #17
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I'm die hard PvP player, but I'm actually having fun with PvE in Nightfall. It's bloody miracle that the game shipped with so much content just six months after Factions, and shipped right alongside a major event (Halloween) plus the continuing GvG tourney, the various improvements to PvP and character UI (templates, PvP equipment manager, etc).

There are some rough spots, and things that I think need improvement....for example, the fact that HvH doesn't have a ladder is crime; reconnects, etc. But all and all I am extremely pleased with Nightfall, and the updates that shipped alongside Nightfall.

Certainly, this is the best chapter of Guild Wars, and it'll be sad if the MMO (ie WoW players) public doesn't learn of this in time for the holiday season.
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Old Oct 30, 2006, 11:47 AM // 11:47   #18
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Very Nicely Done Anet and Congrats to ALL involved....


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Old Oct 30, 2006, 11:48 AM // 11:48   #19
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I <3 you A-Net

/cheer (to the 7th power)
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Old Oct 30, 2006, 12:20 PM // 12:20   #20
Krytan Explorer
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Thanks Anet. I love you guys. NF is a terrific game, and I'm thoroughly enjoying it.

(the only issue I've had this far is getting stuck on NPCs, especially in Lahtenda bog: you guys need to fix that!!!)
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