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Old Jun 02, 2007, 05:39 PM // 17:39   #21
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looks to be a real showstopper, we better get ingame cinimatics of that quality - and if thats the opening music its on my list the so-so NF music we have now
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Old Jun 02, 2007, 05:46 PM // 17:46   #22
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No shots of the Charr Homeland? BAH!
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Old Jun 02, 2007, 05:50 PM // 17:50   #23
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Looks cool, I'm wondering exactly when its coming out though.

I'm thinking either the end of the summer or like September or something?

Perfect timing...not .
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Old Jun 02, 2007, 06:04 PM // 18:04   #24
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I still preffer the first Factions video. There was this calm music shwoing the continent and then changed to a combat theme as the scene changed to a assassin charging into a afflicted, i was convinced to buy the game at that exact moment ^^
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Old Jun 02, 2007, 06:23 PM // 18:23   #25
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Dungeons look cool... I just hope that's not 90% of whats in EotN. I don't like being in Dungeons for all of the time. They make me feel claustrophobic.
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Old Jun 02, 2007, 06:38 PM // 18:38   #26
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new dungeons ... meh, how about a preview of true character advancement (as they have advertised), phat loot? what? a new skinned sundering <new skin> of fortitude? it's like meh....

i mean, dont get me wrong, the dungeons rock, the skill usage is kool, but... cmon u guys got a great game, a lot of instances already, why not make it more rewarding?
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Old Jun 02, 2007, 06:51 PM // 18:51   #27
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For some reason this did not make me want to get GW:EN more then I do right now. I want to have it right now, but mostly of what I have found out in articles, this was mostly "meh" stuff. Dinosaurs though? Wicked.
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Old Jun 02, 2007, 06:59 PM // 18:59   #28
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Old Jun 02, 2007, 07:05 PM // 19:05   #29
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The silence of the cavern was broken only by a lone voice, crying into the darkness...

Can't wait
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Old Jun 02, 2007, 08:29 PM // 20:29   #30
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The only thing I dislike are the blatantly reused fixtures. Those flame vents (shown around 0.50) are all too familiar from Sorrow's Furnace and Sunjiang District. Worse, the stairs (1.00) are a blatant copy of the Nolani ones (walk outside Nolani Academy and you'll know what I mean), and the four-legged beast (1.42) seems to be using the same old Rot Wallow animation.

Recurring old content isn't necessarily bad, but passing it off as new content is. Specific features just make it easier for people to realize they didn't get an "all new" episode
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Old Jun 02, 2007, 08:43 PM // 20:43   #31
Frost Gate Guardian
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Originally Posted by Shyft the Pyro
The only thing I dislike are the blatantly reused fixtures. Those flame vents (shown around 0.50) are all too familiar from Sorrow's Furnace and Sunjiang District. Worse, the stairs (1.00) are a blatant copy of the Nolani ones (walk outside Nolani Academy and you'll know what I mean), and the four-legged beast (1.42) seems to be using the same old Rot Wallow animation.

Recurring old content isn't necessarily bad, but passing it off as new content is. Specific features just make it easier for people to realize they didn't get an "all new" episode
same feelings here. its looks like a very lazy and half-arsed job from anet this time.
there ain't anything there that is new and excitin to see...
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Old Jun 02, 2007, 09:08 PM // 21:08   #32
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I think it looks great. I'm really looking forward to it. I think some are being a little nit-picky if you ask me. A 3 min video and you are unhappy with 10 seconds of it? Besides, it makes sense that some fixtures look the is the same game after all. GW2 is the one I would expect to be very different, you have to expect GW:EN will look similar in some respects. By the way...there is a better quality video and some pics here with the original article here:
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Old Jun 02, 2007, 09:09 PM // 21:09   #33
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Originally Posted by LifeInfusion
The scenery makes me think I'm going to turn up the gamma to the max once I get GW:EN.
Same lol. Echovald forest was also so bad. is offline   Reply With Quote
Old Jun 02, 2007, 10:28 PM // 22:28   #34
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Nice video, cant wait
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Old Jun 02, 2007, 10:48 PM // 22:48   #35
Desert Nomad
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thank goodness i palyed WoW and realized gw sucks its built for a casual gamer
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Old Jun 02, 2007, 11:08 PM // 23:08   #36
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Originally Posted by Spazzer
I wonder if Meteor and Meteor Shower will do double damage against Dinosaurs?
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Old Jun 03, 2007, 01:16 AM // 01:16   #37
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Originally Posted by kenichiukiya
Well I wonder why no one has put this up yet...
Because we all saw it yesterday in the IGN Dungeon Crawl article.
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Old Jun 03, 2007, 01:24 AM // 01:24   #38
Lion's Arch Merchant
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Originally Posted by SuperDave
I wonder if Meteor and Meteor Shower will do double damage against Dinosaurs?
LMAO. Good call
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Old Jun 03, 2007, 03:34 AM // 03:34   #39
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The portal reminded me of Stargate SG1.
Agreed, I can't wait to go through the Stargat.... Ausurian Portal Doo Hicky . Also thought the dinning room looked like something out of the haunted mansion.

I for one like the similarities, it shows it's the same planet, same storyline. It wouldn't make a lot of sense if you went underground and everything was absolutely different. Can't wait, this preview looks really good, and it can only get better. I hope they do another high res cinematic like Factions or Prophicies, I missed having one for NF (yes, I know they're expensive I read that thread months ago).

thank goodness i palyed WoW and realized gw sucks its built for a casual gamer
Then why are you here?!
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Old Jun 03, 2007, 03:43 AM // 03:43   #40
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I think that after the dungeons, there are still like 2 or 3 different branching will take place in the shiverpeaks, and the others are probably outside as well. 18 multilevel dungeons + those areas, and this should be a fairly large PvE map.
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