The roles are fairly well defined by their own skillsets. There will be exceptions to this rule, such as R/W hammer, but generally (for pvp):
Warrior - Melee offense (no "tanking"). All 3 weapons are viable.
Ranger - Interrupts, condition degen, occassionally trapping
Mesmer - Caster shutdown (domination) or degen w/shutdown (illusion)
Necro - Primarily curse hexes
Elementalist - In higher level pvp, usually an air (blinding) or water (snare) support role. You'll some some fire eles in HA or AB's, where there can be more balling up. You don't see Earth ele primary much anymore, as people generally just put points into Earth for the ward skills.
Monk - Pretty self-explanatory. Smiting isn't particularly popular right now. Many monk bars will consist of 6-7 heal/prot skills, and 1-2 slots devoted to energy management or self-preservation.