how about no selling or buying from npc's? like in real life you ahve to buy from people and sell to people, npc's are a crutch
how about no quests or missions? you shouldnt get far because you did amission, you have to explore and fight your way to the next outpost
how about gettig xp or experience form only doing things that make sense, ie killing mobs, if you want to be more powerful you should get it by killing bad guys, since that your whole purpose in this game, not by doing deliveries or watching cinematics
how about no partying, youre a hero, heroes dont rely on anybody
no quests, just exploring
no npc trading, everything you buy and sell is from or to people
no parties, you are the only hope to save the world
no experience from quests, xp comes from experience doing what you do, this means no quest or missions for xp (maybe rewards but not xp)
let me know how far you get