Well, me and my friend got an issue then...
As stated, you have to pick up the points within the month... which is a problem for me and my friend. We made identical predictions (he just copies mine ^^) August as well as September, and have still not gotten any points from either of the two tournaments. So even if we do get the points for September when we get the October points, we'll probably have lost the August points still (since we missed our chance, even though we never had a chance).
The way I see it, the XTH, just like every other aspect of Guild Wars (skill balancing, for example), has been deserted for quite some time now. And they aren't going to get any more attention either. It's sad, because I once liked GW. But now I really see no point why I would continue on with GW2 when noone in support/tech/custserv even seems concerned with keeping GW1 up and running...