ANET Bans For Stating Facts.
Apparantly this new Name Update thing cost me a character and a 72 hour ban.
My character name... "Condoms Save Lives" wasn't meant to be offensive but a public service announcement because IT'S A FACT.
However... I have been informed that the name is sexually suggestive.
Let's examine sexual suggestion and Guild Wars the game.
Let's take the female elementalist... a character for which the breasts shake upon dancing and is put in your face to be sure u know they shake. Are you telling me that this is not sexual suggestive?
Well ANET, NCSOFT, Guild Wars have I got a news Brief for you... IT IS SEXUALLY SUGGESTIVE and you should ban yourselves for breaking YOUR own EULA.
Isn't taking characters and giving them the ability to strip down to their underwear not sexually suggestive?
How about some of the Female armor? Is not any of this armor sexually suggestive?
Talk about a double standard company.
....and for anyone to take offense to the name.... how on earth can you take offense to a FACT?