first of all, what are your lappys specs?
without that info, i sugest...
look to see how much space you have on the hard drive. when a machines mem is lower than it wants, it uses the hard drive as tempory memory.
on your desktop, you can see this by your hdd light flashing on and of in the middle of the game. also the speed of your memory and chip can also affect this. (example: when i had a 1700 athlon and 512 sd ram, my hdd light used to flash on/off about once a second while playing neverwinter. after i got a 3200 AMD64 and 512 ddr 400, it barely flashes at all on the same game)
if theres not much space, try clearing out the trash, use the scandisk program (start/programs/accessories/system tools and then scandisk. it looks like a hard drive icon being swept up by a handbrush) and get rid of the temp internet files and so on. after a 30 min sims download stint, i can have up to 70 megs of dross in there.
also, did you download the free music thingy for SF? that might have added that little bit too much, i dont know since i havent dl it myself.