I've finally arrived from NDA with most of these items to tell you the truth about this stuff...
Vista will NEED more than 1 GB of RAM, and likely more than 2 very soon.
Vista will run faster on 64-bit.
It will speed up on dual cores.
It is also designed for multiple monitors.
SLI is a great thing. And I can make a pair of 6200s take a 6800 if I get the right ones and spend some time with it. It's all in the setup (and the overclock).
Crossfire ATM if you get 1900s is MUCH faster. I'm on an Xpress board, I'm so converted.
XP-64 has no performance increase and really just plain sucks as far as I've tested.
Vista is sweeeeeeeet. And it runs GW. Fast.
Any other questions?