WTF is this BS?
Ok first let me say that I have never had any problem like this until factions and also that my internet connection is stable ALL THE TIME and I have no active firewalls or internet managers running.
Whenever I enter a mission and yes its only in missions - when I need to be on guard and on top of things the game freezes every 10 seconds and my character is frozen from 5-7 seconds, during this time I cant move, use any skills, enter any chat into the bar, or ANYTHING, all I see is my character standing there and the enemies and my team standing there, after this 5-7 second period is over, anything that happened during that time comes all at once and im either dead, have failed the mission or somewhere I was not when the freeze started. This is complete and total BS as it only happens in missions, never in towns, never in area's, ONLY in missions. I mean if its a connection drop, then RED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GOing drop me, dont let me stand there and get cranked on and then decide to come back, its like the game is taking extra measures to make sure I dont pass the whatever mission im on (Currently on fort aspenwood) Like I said up top, I have no connection or freeze problems on any other game and when Im browsing its lightning fast as it always is, but as soon as I enter a mission its like im connected to the web through a starving rat on a wheel.
What the hell could this be?