BUG: Too many Self-Invites
I'm surprised I never saw this before, but its only as of late that I've been starting parties as opposed to joining them.
Yesterday, on the Gate of Pain mission, with 7/8 slots filled and no specific profession required to fill the last, I sent out a general "Group LF 1 more" shout and instantly got hit by no less than 6 invite requests in 2 seconds (5 dervishes, 1 paragon)
And I say "no less than" simply because I could not see what was below those 6. They filled that entire box and covered the Accept and Reject buttons so that I could not even click them to clear out the list and see the names undernearth.
There was no scroll bar, and stretching the window only stretched the main party list, not the self invite list.
Anyone else see this?