Note, you PlayNC name may not be the same as you Guildwars login. Even if you create a PlayNC account in game to use the store you still have to create a PlayNC account name and login. Your PlayNC account login may not be the same as your Guildwars Login. PlayNC does not specifically ask for your email account as a login, rather it ask for a user name. You had to input this to create your PlayNc account regardless of if it was in game or on the website.
Changing your password is doable via the manage option on the PlayNC site, though while this is a concern and a risk, what everyone should be concerned about is that you CANNOT change your Guildwars Login information once your account is linked. So unless they send your password update to the account you have listed on your playNC account, changing your password puts you at risk if you do not own the email account that you first used to create your Guildwars account. I would seriously hope that this is not the case, that they at the very least use the PlayNC information, otherwise this is a Glaring security hole.