Lost passwords
Heya all!
As you can see I havnt been logged in for a while (last time 2006) but now I recently got the thrills of wanting to play this game again. Ive been around since beta and got alot of charrs with top-gear, but now comes the tricky part. I only know my accountname and not my password. And to be able to reset password you need the plaync account right? which I cant even remember if I did register or not. When I contacted support I got the suspected answer I needed to report all the retail activation keys for all the campaign (I got them all except for eye of the north) but here lies the problem. Since I havnt been playing for more over then a year there is no way I can remember those keys and even further where my cards are.
So my question is, is there anything I can do to get by the access keys again or do I have to start the game completely over? At the time Ive played I Played big, for many many hours layed upon those charrs and builds (I mainly played pve-farming) I dont feel like just start all over again, thx in advance
ps. if this is wrong forum, any moderator can feel free to transfer post