Doing the -image thing right now (first time) to hopefully correct a corrupt male ele skin problem (sounds like a real condition lol) and stumbled upon this thread... my old .dat was I believe over 6GB. Assuming it ends up around 3.5GB or so, I wonder what all the extra junk was. I have all 3 chapters + BMP, and I've had the corrupt skin issue ever since reformatting a year or 2 ago.
Doing the -image thing right now (first time) to hopefully correct a corrupt male ele skin problem (sounds like a real condition lol) and stumbled upon this thread... my old .dat was I believe over 6GB. Assuming it ends up around 3.5GB or so, I wonder what all the extra junk was. I have all 3 chapters + BMP, and I've had the corrupt skin issue ever since reformatting a year or 2 ago.
You can also try -repair for you problem. And the "extra junk" was the client forgetting to delete stuff that was updated, so the .dat just grows in size.