Old account, lost campaigns?
Hey, so long ago, i had another account, but i remember for some reason losing my campaigns that were registered to that account.
I just left it cause i thought "well i have another one now".
I thought id just bring up the issue here after logging in to the account as i am going to give it to my cousin. I have RE-bought gw factions for the account.
When i go to manage access keys, it says only the trial keys have been registered(bar my new factions key).
Now, with a trial key, im sure it limits you to 10hours of play right?
/age says 119+hours.
I have heard a rumor about a bug, when you add a trial key to a normal account with full keys, it can cancel one out, but maybe thats just a bad rumor.
I cant remember were my keys are that i used to register the account long ago, so im guessing my attempts to contact arena net would be worthless right? Any input appriciated.