The Texmod TPF
Hey all, I Apologize if this isn't in the correct section as i couldn't really figure out what one to post it in. I also couldn't find anything in a search that was relevant to my question.
I have a question about the TPF format of Texmod. Is it possible to extract textures from the TPF files... somehow? I've even googled and came up with nothing, but I figured there has to be someone on guru that uses texmod still and knows anything good about the TPF files. I myself use texmod every once in a while in many different games and have a high understanding of how it works, but that tpf file just seems uncrackable to any program I use on it at this point. One program for example is called "FileStripper" and it is made of pure win.. but it just won't find anything within a TPF file. Does anyone know how to get inside it?