The antenna will basically act as signal booster and take the wireless signal from your router/modem and boost its strength, it will probably increase the number of bars you see on your PC but it may not increase the speeds. I'm not sure where you would place it, some manufacturers claim you can place them anywhere and still see an improvement other say differently. Depending on where your router is in your house you may not need one of these, if it's near a cordless phone or microwave then you'll want to move it as these will interfere with the wireless signal. Another point is that contrary to popular belief, routers don't broadcast a signal in all directions they actually drop the signal downwards therefore if your router is downstairs in your house and your computer upstairs, try moving the router (apparently the best place to put a router is in the attic but that's not very practical). Although the router doesn't have visible antennas it will probably have some built in to its casing as some manufacturers like to hide them.
Just out of interest what wireless adaptor are you using in your PC?