Hello, every time I zone into a major town (Kamadan specifically), moments later I get disconnected by the Error Code=007. It only happens in major outposts like that, but it doesn't in smaller ones (Eye of the North). If anyone is experiencing this, or has fixed it, can you please let me know?
Have you tried to zone of a high numbered district in kamadan? For example when kamadan has 7 districts, swith to #7 (that one is often less crowded)?
If that doesnt help, try to switch to another continent... like internatonal or europe (they are not as crowded as american district).
I dont claim this is the solution to your problem. But i have a American friend (with an unstable connection) who has similar problems and the things mentioned above seem to work for him. I think it's at least worth to give it a try
This exact thing has been happening to me for a few weeks now. I get major spikes of up to 15K in towns but can go to outposts with no issues. Framerate stays at 60fps the whole time though.