Hopefully the question I have is not stupid - Is there a way to install the entire game, so that it doesn't have to download each zone when I enter it? I need to do this, as next week I will have to play over 3G and I am rather hoping to minimize the traffic I will generate.
On my Win7 Ultimate however it did not let me edit the shortcut with the "-image" parameter, or even use the latter from CMD. Thankfully managed to get it done via creating a bat file. The zones appear to be downloading now.
On my Win7 Ultimate however it did not let me edit the shortcut with the "-image" parameter, or even use the latter from CMD.
You must have missed the part in the link about making a shortcut - which is not the same as the link in the Games folder.
Basically you find the GW folder - it defaults to C:\Program Files\Guild Wars or C:\Program Files (x86)\Guild Wars.
In there is the file "gw.exe". Simply right-click on gw.exe a choose Send To - Desktop (Create shortcut) and you will have a desktop shortcut with a Target line that can be edited to add -image
I thought I was missing something too, but that was not the case. The problem lies with some of the interface software I have on the computer. For some reason shortcuts and Command Prompt don't behave as they are supposed to. Some instructions work on my laptop with Win7 Basic, but not on the other one. But anyway, still glad it's working. I will finally have the time to finish the Nightfall campaign (provided that my data plan doesn't run out before that)