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Old Oct 12, 2006, 03:28 AM // 03:28   #21
Desert Nomad
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Join Date: Nov 2005
Location: Eh I forget... o_O
Guild: Biscuit of Dewm [MEEP]
Profession: R/

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My husband is guild leader and these are pretty much the rules we go by (copied from our message board) :

Membership and Kicking

-) Applicants will post their interest in joining MEEP in the Join Request forum. The officers will review applications, and you may be asked to hop onto Ventrilo or Teamspeak to play a mission or PvP match.

-) MEEP has fairly open membership policies. All new recruits are invited in on a conditional basis. I, as well as the officers, reserve the right to kick new recruits if we feel that the new membership is just not working out. If you have any problems, please see the below point.

-) MEEP members will typically be purged after a month or two of inactiveness. We are happy to reinvite you. Don't throw a fit. You're back in the guild and no harm is done. Log on more please.=P---

-) This. Guild. Is. My. Responsiblity.

Members have put in a lot of work for this guild. Pezz and Sauce have set up boards. Xenex worked to find us webspace and a Ventrilo server. Esprit and Faer have recently been helping people set up IRC, while Talzek and others have been around to teach new members terminology and such. Without the hard-working members, [MEEP] would not be so great.

At the same time, I have been entrusted with keeping the guild running smoothly. Officers and members alike know that I keep them informed of Stuff, and ask their opinions or else get their votes on Stuff.

However, I am not afraid to go all Medieval Divine Right of Rule on your tail. I will usually converse with officers before I kick someone, but I don't have to. If you get purged because of an offense, or for inactivity, or who knows what, it may have been no one's decision but my own; and I have that right. Deal with it.

-) To be honest, we haven't had any real issues with kicking and such. Don't be a jackass in the first place and it won't be a problem.


Within the forseeable future (Lord willin' and the creeks don't rise), there's gonna be some changes around MEEP. I don't want to change the culture or MEEP, or make anyone feel uncomfortable; but as we talked about in our guild meetings, team [MEEP] is growing and needs some organization.

-) TeamSpeak and Ventrilo information (TS and Vent) will be given out to all MEEPers who desire it. If you wish to use either for your own PUG purposes, feel free. Please choose Vent first, since that is our own Vent whereas we our TS server is borrowed. I am sorry there can not be more, but I am paying for all MEEP expenses from my own poor college-age-with-wife-and-three-kids bank account. If MEEP needs a server for a guild/alliance activity, please be willing to get your teammates off TS or Vent to make room for MEEPers.

-) Get IRC info here. IRC is a form of online chatting. Whereas AIM, MSN, and Yahoo focus more on 1-to-1 conversations, IRC is essentially the über-chatroom program. There are multiple clients which you can use to log onto an IRC network, just as there are mulitple broswers like IE and FireFox which can be used to browse HTML pages.

Before long, MEEP is going to require that all users have IRC capabliities. You won't always have to be on IRC--but if we ever say "can you please get on IRC" and you respond "I don't have it".... there's going to be trouble. Don't worry; MEEP members are usually around to help you set up, and you are highly encouraged to explore IRC options anyway, because IRC is just that cool.

-) Participation on the board will be required. You're racked up 500 hours on that W/Mo of yours, so don't even begin to tell me you can't spend 2 minutes every few days checking for announcements.

-) We have held various Council (officer only) and full Guild meetings a few times throughout MEEP's existence on Guild Wars. The participation of all members has been greatly appreciated, especially since these meetings can last from a half hour to an hour, and sometimes (much) longer, depending on the subject and how much /dance is involved. Ideally, guild participation on the board will allow us to avoid forcing everyone to be online at once to discuss Important Things.

-) Please check guild announcements! Ya know, that thing that appears at the top of your chat box whenever you log in to a different character? If something important happens or an important thread is made on the board, it will be posted in the announcement. It is not our intention to try to trick you into missing something important so that we can yell at you about it later, for we are not your girlfriend (sexism ftw!). We will be reasonable, but we expect a reasonable amount of participation from you as well.

-) As a side note, MEEPers are encouraged to trade AIM names (but not MSN. MSN/YIM/ICQ/GTALK bites) or even email for outside contact, but it is not required--and if we hear of any harassment over non-GW clients, there will be trouble. I know where most of you live, and I will send the Stealth Ninja Bunnies after you, and your little dog too! Also, you will be kicked.

It goes without saying that harassment through GW will be promptly reported to ANet, probably resulting in the permanent ban of your account. Hope you bought it on sale. ^_~


MEEP is, always has been, and always will be a PvE oriented guild. You will never be forced to PvP.

Please reread the above bolded sentence. If you are ever concerned with PvP taking over the guild, please hit yourself in the head for your stupidity, because you obviously were too dim to read that bolded sentence enough times.

That said.

MEEP has decided to begin fielding a PvP team for Guild vs. Guild (GvG) and (Heroes Ascent). Ideally, this will consist of 10-12 members who will meet on a set schedule, probably beginning at once or twice a week. If we suddenly have more interested, we can definitely deal with that.

Of course, this means that often some people are going to be excluded. It is hard to run 8-man GvG with 14 people wanting to go. For now, those 14 people would be allowed to run two teams, either split 8-6 or 7-7, and run Henchies or PUGs. As MEEP gets better, however, there may/will come a time when only full 8-man MEEP (+ alliance and close friends) groups will be allowed to run.

Yes, MEEP is all about fun times and not about spazzing over rank. At the same time, please understand that some of us want to experience the high-end, competitive side of Guild Wars. We want to stay with our friends in MEEP, but please don't hold us back by whining about how they are making GvG too strict. Once we're on our way, we're going to be serious about GvG and HA. That means that if you don't have the skills needed for a build, or if we have too many people and have to focus on a core group, you may be asked not to participate in that night's GvG or HA.

This does not mean that you are worth less than other members; this is simple common sense. If you want to have a good 8-man GvG team, you need to focus on a core group of people. If you want to rake in a tone of fame and win halls, you need to focus on your usual players.

If you are not currently part of that core group, be patient and wait until next GvG season to get in.

And of course, Hall of Heroes (HoH) will always be open to even crap experimental builds. Who cares if we lose to a n00b team in HoH? It's not like we get negative fame for that. XD

Spirit and ettiqute

-) You will not incessentally spam Guild Chat with dribble.
One or two requests for help is fine, as well as asking to buy or sell or trade something. 284902842 lines of text is not fine. Also, please use complete sentences and proper English where appropriate. Keep in mind that we are often busy, doing missions or PvP when you are talking. If we don't respond to you immediately--or even twenty minutes later--chances are it's because we don't have time.

-) The rules for Allaince Chat are like the rules for Guild Chat, only 1,000 times stricter. Please don't embarrass us in front of our alliancemates. Except when they are being similarly stupid. Then, feel free to shame yourself with them, so long as it's obvious that it's the smart people having good fun, and not the dumb people just being dumb.

-) You will say 'gg' after battles in the arenas, HoH, and GvG; and if it was a really good battle, wish the other team luck in the next round. If someone is a jackass, you are free to call them on it; but otherwise, remember that it's just a game and, if they beat you, then you should wish their skillful selves the best. If MEEP is to be known for something, it should be our attitude when playing with others.

-) Do not throw tantrums. In TeamSpeak, in Ventrilo, in PUGs in PvE, in groups in PvP... do not throw tantrums. Calling out someone's stupidity or stubbornness is fine, but do it with class, dignity, and preferably subtley; because nothing is funnier than when you call someone an idiot in front of the whole group, and everyone gets it except the idiot.

-) Be helpful. When someone in Ascalon City is spamming local chat asking "HOW 2 INVITE HENCHIE TO MY PARTEE?", please don't respond with "omg newb stfu", but instead with "click on the henchman, and their name should appear in your party list. Then click the plus sign next to their newly appeared name". Again, don't spread the MEEP name by being a jerk.

-) Do not put trade chat in local chat, using chat filter evasions like WT.B. You will be suspended/kicked/banned from MEEP for being a complete and utter jackass.

-) We have Younger People playing the game. All words are permissible, but keep in mind that you may be asked to tone it down if an officer or another member sees that younger players are online. Be mindful, and remember that while YOUR mother may not play Guild Wars, the mother of MY children does--and my 6-year-old farms Charr on his mommy's W/Mo. Please. Think of the 6-year-old gamer.

The End

Whoo! You made it to the end! Here is a "get out of Demotion free" card for you!

Above all else, please remember to TALK to me or any of the officers if you don't like something that is going on. We can't make this guild better for you if you decide to whine like a bitch to yourself and /ragequit Guild Wars. SHARE AND CARE ftw!
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Old Oct 12, 2006, 03:28 AM // 03:28   #22
Wilds Pathfinder
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Location: Maryland

Originally Posted by Sofonisba
(My beef with you is not your contention re: homosexuality originating in the brain--it's your use of "deficiency" and "unnatural" which is disturbing and unnecessary, whether or not you really meant it. If I had this convo with you over guild chat, I'd leave in an instant. THAT'S why you do not discuss politics in guild, we might have had fun playing together...)

but anyway - also agreed about the written code. we have guidelines posted on our yahoo group page. just general things we had in mind when we made the guild, and we want to keep everything fair. no hand-outs (plenty of help, discounts or free items at seller's discretion, but don't expect it free, etc). obviously, help/company is free. we're just here to have fun and help people with quests and missions all the time. mainly so we could gather a guild of like-minded individuals. we don't have a written rule about politics, religion, etc - it just doesn't come up. racist comments are (very obviously) prohibited and would result in an instant kick. as would any derogatory comment of any sort whatsoever. (be it homophobia, sexism, anything).
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Old Oct 12, 2006, 06:25 AM // 06:25   #23
Ascalonian Squire
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Join Date: Sep 2006
Location: Redmond, Washinton
Guild: [AIDA]
Profession: A/Mo

I just Have a few rules in my Guild:

Be Friendly to your fellow guildies, Get to know each other by doing missions and quests
Don't ask to become an officer until you actually take the time to ge to know everyone else(Its my own personally policy that i never promote someone just for joining or becaus you have lots of gold or level 20's, I don't care, you don't take the time you won't get far. and really its not so much to ask)
No extreme bashing of other peoples religion, race, political prefrences or homosexuality,(I don't really care, cracking jokes is fine as long as you don't take it to far, Like no racial slurs I don't put up with that kinda of crap)
Don't ask for weapons, gold, materials, just because, only ask if you really need help getting stuff, I usually go out and get my guildies max dmg weapons...its more or less a gift really but basically i'm saying if you can get it yourself, Get it yourself!
Swear all you want!!!
We're pretty laid back other than those few things...I don't really give a crap if people want to have political discussions ect, if other guildies find what another is saying offensive they can talk to me or settle it themselves

Last edited by Blade_Wolf; Oct 12, 2006 at 06:33 AM // 06:33..
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Old Oct 12, 2006, 03:46 PM // 15:46   #24
Lion's Arch Merchant
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Join Date: May 2005
Location: PST
Guild: Heros of Titans Realm [HotR]
Profession: W/Mo

I just recently added a section for rules for officers as well because I was getting complaints from members about officer conduct. I had all the officers read this on our site and sign it. That way demoting them can be justified. Yeah yeah call me strict and crabby, I'm a teacher for God's sakes! I'm also in a 90% adult guild so our expectation are a lot different than guilds that don't have an age req.

As an officer you represent yourself as one of the "go to" members of the guild. You need to act mature and set a good example if you wish to maintain this title. I am a fair guild leader and I will give you warning and guidance for most behaviors, however if the behavior becomes repetitive, I may have to demote you for the good of the guild. Not everyone has what it takes to be a good officer, whether you are a good player or not.

So please read the following basic expectations I have for you as an officer.
Your Conduct:
Please keep swearing to a minimum on any chat tab unless you are just whispering with a friend. Crap and damn are ok but try not to use any others. I understand that we all have a breaking point but please think twice before you post anything you may regret.

Please do not spam and please ask other members not to spam if you see it. Pm them as not to embarrass them in front of the guild though.

Do not abuse your power as an officer by humiliating members on the guild chat or threatening to kick people without discussing it with me.

Do not use guild chat as your team chat tab. This is really annoying and clogs the chat tab with stuff that doesn't apply to the rest of us.

Do not talk about your personal life if it falls into the TMI category such as sexual escapades. Nobody wants to hear those details. It's ok to chat about yourself, just not excessively and graphically.

Your Duties:
Be helpful to the members. If someone needs help with a mission and you aren't doing anything, help them out. This is how we keep loyal members.

You are not a bank, don't feel obligated to give other members money unless you want to. It is not required and I certainly don't do it for just anyone. Members need to learn to earn their own money. Please discourage begging as well.

If there is a problem with a member and I'm not available, please use this site to pm me the issue. I have this site running most of the day on my work computer and I can respond fairly quickly. Please include screen shots of incident if possible. You can use www.tinypic.com to post them to me.
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