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Old May 31, 2008, 11:19 PM // 23:19   #1
Ascalonian Squire
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Default Where's the best place to farm with a 130?

Where is the best place to farm with a 130 dervish build?
I've just gotten the build complete and in need of a place to farm. Underworld in Normal Mode, would that be alright? I've heard from some guildies that it takes practice, but it's totally worth the profits.

I've been making my money from Running, and that gave me some good profits, but it was boring and took forever. So this, honestly is my first time doing harder farming instead of picking up white items from some useless monsters in Vabbi.

UW, FoW? Where is the best place to farm, getting some good money along with it? Any help would be apprciated
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Old May 31, 2008, 11:31 PM // 23:31   #2
Jungle Guide
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haha. your not going to make better money faming than you are running. unless you were running like LA-> beacons...
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Old Jun 01, 2008, 01:36 AM // 01:36   #3
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LA-> beacons is actually good money, if you're good at it and get enough people
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Old Jun 01, 2008, 04:07 PM // 16:07   #4
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The question was: where can this guy farm with his 130 hp
My answer is:

This build has so far successfully been used to farm:

All except Gargoyles in Old Ascalon (Hard Mode only)
Am Fah
Behemoths (of all sorts)
Bladed Aatxe In the underworld- no more than two at a time, due to Riposte
Djinns (of all sorts)
Ettins Only tested in North Kryta. Possible to farm normal mode and hard mode, eventually the ettins 'forget' to use healing signet for some reason, possibly a bug.
Fire Imp
Hekets (Mobs with healers cannot be killed because Blue Tongue's will spam Healing Ring and Word of Healing.)
Hydras (Prophecies campaign)
Insects (all sorts)
Jade At the beginning of Ring of Fire mission, avoid the mursaat and pull the Jade alone. Make sure you're Infused first!
Jade Brotherhood (Factions campaign) (Easier to kill with 58 HP, you could get unlucky with interrupts from Jade Brotherhood Mesmers.) It is possible to withstand up to 7 warriors whilst being attacked from others. Always take out the Ritualist in a group first, you won't be able to do much damage if they are alive.
Mountain Trolls (Prophecies campaign)
Plants (mirage iboga's can be a pain but it can be done) only tested in Nightfall campaign
Skale It's very easy, just charge them and use the build correctly. Also it will be a pain but you must keep all 3 enchantments up, fighting 1 or multiple skale due to their degeneration.
Stonewolf(Very easy, die once and use build correctly)
Titans in Nightfall (See tips below)
Undead especially from The Undead Hordes quest Swap out Reapers Sweep for Vow of Silence so the sorcerers don't blind you, take 1 attribute out of Scythe Mastery and put it into Mysticsm so VoS will last 9-9.7 seconds.
Warden (Watch out for knockdowns from Wardens of the Trunk)
Destroy the Ungrateful Slaves quest (possible to farm in hard-mode) ([1], it would be best if your health is below 20 so you don't take to much damage)
Bloodback Morrob (Die first or the excessive warriors will over power you.)
Chor the Bladed (Position him beside his healer, and put pressure on the healer until it dies, then finish Chor)
Krogg Shmush (Use Vow of Strength, Armor of Sanctity, and Aura of Thorns instead of attack skills.Takes a bit long but he's no problem. Watch for interrupts.)
Mahto Sharptooth (By using the hill to the west of Mahto, you can control the damage/energy you take by using it to block the Heket using their wands, dying once helps)
Robah Hardback (Very easy, dying once makes it a bit easier)
Colonel Chaklin (Enchantment removers are near)
Molotov Rocktail (Run can be hard, make sure you enchant yourself before his seige knocks you down)
Lissah the Packleader(might want to bring a +30 health scythe and die twice,can solo on hardmode)
Tundoss the Destroyer (You may want to bring henchmen or heroes to kill the two healers near him, then flag them away.)
Whuup Buumbuul (Takes a while, line him up with the Mountain Trolls to keep up your health)
Zelnehlun Fastfoot (Die twice, equip +30 HP scythe, then kill him, avoid Rampaging Ntouka on the run, they will strip your enchantments. Also try exchanging eremite's attack for harrier's haste to break aggro)
Johon The Oxflinger (Die once and attack him, ignoring the Stonewolves)
Dzabel Land Guardian (Near Jerneh Nightbringer, cannot be done if there are Blue Tongue Hekets. Can take a while because of Troll Unguent.)
Chidehkir Replace Mystic Vigor with Scourge healing and put Earth Prayers to 8 and whatever is left into Smiting Prayers. (Not recommended to farm Chidehkir for 80% of the time a Kournan group spawns next to his group and Chidehkir cannot be pulled to any spot that he will follow to because the Kournan group patrols all areas he can be pulled to(group contains a mesmer with shatter enchantment))
Keshel the Voracious (Easy) Normal Mode only.
Shen (easy but die once first)
Eshekibeh Longneck
Ghial the Bone Dancer (Consider taking Heart of Fury to help counter Faintheartedness)
Jerneh Nightbringer (Video, Easier to try to kill him with 58 HP. Buhon and Robah spawn near him. It's easy, Nightbringer first, then Buhon and at last Robah)
Mabah Heardheart
Terob Roundback (Very Easy/Easy. Die once first. Careful of Ntouka Birds, if he has Healers the run is over because the healers will run up to him and spam healing ring and the fight will never end.)
Eshim Mindclouder
Neoli the Contagious (Hard)
Yamesh Mindclouder
Yammirvu (Better if you die once)
Birneh Skybringer (Get your hp below 50 and use Fleeting to make it easier. If a monk is in his group, kill the monk first - try to hit a number of targets at once to make this easier)
Buhon Icelord (Easier by dying 2 or 3 times)
Exuro Flatus (Video (Very Easy) , Easier if you die twice and weild a +30 health scythe
Hajkor (Video, use the wurm, before aggroing him, wait for the mandragor group to arrive, kill them, go for the small melee mandragor first, then die once, then pull him and his group away from the margonites and then kill him.)
Korr (Video, if you go 61hp (30% DP and trade out one of your armor pieces) and equip Fleeting Stability it makes it exceptionally easier)
Korshek the Immolated
Kormab (Arcane Zeal makes this much easier)
Lian (Easiest way is to pull the knight group in front and solo them then move on to Lian's group)
Suneh Stormbringer (Hard Mode) Easy with 15% DP, even easier wih 25% DP.
Lunto Sharpfoot Die once or twice first (If he has any healers near him, finish them first by positioning lunto and any other melee minions at one side of the healer, and hit Lunto, the healer and his minions at the same time)(user comment: just lure the closest of lunto's minions and the whole group will come running to you, then just kill the monk)(User comment: Lunto can't be farmed well anymore, if at all, a change to a skill the monks use has made the mob almost impossible to be defeated, but if you are willing to stand there for half an hour until the healers finally fail go for it.)
Faveo Aggredior (Video, Die once and replace Mystic Vigor with Heart of Fury to speed up the process)
Lieutenant Kayin
Acolyte of Balthazar (No dying required, he is relatively easy to farm, though this works well in a group where the 130hp derv attacks first)
Acolyte of Melandru (Die once, kill seers first, cover protective spirit with mystic regeneration and mystic vigor. Rezone if there are any priests.)
Bubahl Icehands (Easy, die once then kill him)
Corporal Suli (may need to rezone for a good spawn)
Marobeh Sharptail (Make sure you hit him alone. Let the mob provide energy. He does take a good amount of effort)
Vahlen the Silent (Die once, then kill him. It may be easier to die twice, because then they only do 1 damage)
Jishol Darksong (Medium, Takes very long time, but possible)
Pehnsed the Loudmouth (Takes very long time, but possible)
Shakor Firespear
Wandalz the Angry (Take henchmen to clear the Kournan Seers and Kournan Oppressors, then keep flagged off radar.)

Or Easier: Scroll down xD
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Old Jun 01, 2008, 04:18 PM // 16:18   #5
Ascalonian Squire
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Originally Posted by TheJsp
The question was: where can this guy farm with his 130 hp
My answer is:

This build has so far successfully been used to farm:

All except Gargoyles in Old Ascalon (Hard Mode only)
Am Fah
Behemoths (of all sorts)
Bladed Aatxe In the underworld- no more than two at a time, due to Riposte
Djinns (of all sorts)
Ettins Only tested in North Kryta. Possible to farm normal mode and hard mode, eventually the ettins 'forget' to use healing signet for some reason, possibly a bug.
Fire Imp
Hekets (Mobs with healers cannot be killed because Blue Tongue's will spam Healing Ring and Word of Healing.)
Hydras (Prophecies campaign)
Insects (all sorts)
Jade At the beginning of Ring of Fire mission, avoid the mursaat and pull the Jade alone. Make sure you're Infused first!
Jade Brotherhood (Factions campaign) (Easier to kill with 58 HP, you could get unlucky with interrupts from Jade Brotherhood Mesmers.) It is possible to withstand up to 7 warriors whilst being attacked from others. Always take out the Ritualist in a group first, you won't be able to do much damage if they are alive.
Mountain Trolls (Prophecies campaign)
Plants (mirage iboga's can be a pain but it can be done) only tested in Nightfall campaign
Skale It's very easy, just charge them and use the build correctly. Also it will be a pain but you must keep all 3 enchantments up, fighting 1 or multiple skale due to their degeneration.
Stonewolf(Very easy, die once and use build correctly)
Titans in Nightfall (See tips below)
Undead especially from The Undead Hordes quest Swap out Reapers Sweep for Vow of Silence so the sorcerers don't blind you, take 1 attribute out of Scythe Mastery and put it into Mysticsm so VoS will last 9-9.7 seconds.
Warden (Watch out for knockdowns from Wardens of the Trunk)
Destroy the Ungrateful Slaves quest (possible to farm in hard-mode) ([1], it would be best if your health is below 20 so you don't take to much damage)
Bloodback Morrob (Die first or the excessive warriors will over power you.)
Chor the Bladed (Position him beside his healer, and put pressure on the healer until it dies, then finish Chor)
Krogg Shmush (Use Vow of Strength, Armor of Sanctity, and Aura of Thorns instead of attack skills.Takes a bit long but he's no problem. Watch for interrupts.)
Mahto Sharptooth (By using the hill to the west of Mahto, you can control the damage/energy you take by using it to block the Heket using their wands, dying once helps)
Robah Hardback (Very easy, dying once makes it a bit easier)
Colonel Chaklin (Enchantment removers are near)
Molotov Rocktail (Run can be hard, make sure you enchant yourself before his seige knocks you down)
Lissah the Packleader(might want to bring a +30 health scythe and die twice,can solo on hardmode)
Tundoss the Destroyer (You may want to bring henchmen or heroes to kill the two healers near him, then flag them away.)
Whuup Buumbuul (Takes a while, line him up with the Mountain Trolls to keep up your health)
Zelnehlun Fastfoot (Die twice, equip +30 HP scythe, then kill him, avoid Rampaging Ntouka on the run, they will strip your enchantments. Also try exchanging eremite's attack for harrier's haste to break aggro)
Johon The Oxflinger (Die once and attack him, ignoring the Stonewolves)
Dzabel Land Guardian (Near Jerneh Nightbringer, cannot be done if there are Blue Tongue Hekets. Can take a while because of Troll Unguent.)
Chidehkir Replace Mystic Vigor with Scourge healing and put Earth Prayers to 8 and whatever is left into Smiting Prayers. (Not recommended to farm Chidehkir for 80% of the time a Kournan group spawns next to his group and Chidehkir cannot be pulled to any spot that he will follow to because the Kournan group patrols all areas he can be pulled to(group contains a mesmer with shatter enchantment))
Keshel the Voracious (Easy) Normal Mode only.
Shen (easy but die once first)
Eshekibeh Longneck
Ghial the Bone Dancer (Consider taking Heart of Fury to help counter Faintheartedness)
Jerneh Nightbringer (Video, Easier to try to kill him with 58 HP. Buhon and Robah spawn near him. It's easy, Nightbringer first, then Buhon and at last Robah)
Mabah Heardheart
Terob Roundback (Very Easy/Easy. Die once first. Careful of Ntouka Birds, if he has Healers the run is over because the healers will run up to him and spam healing ring and the fight will never end.)
Eshim Mindclouder
Neoli the Contagious (Hard)
Yamesh Mindclouder
Yammirvu (Better if you die once)
Birneh Skybringer (Get your hp below 50 and use Fleeting to make it easier. If a monk is in his group, kill the monk first - try to hit a number of targets at once to make this easier)
Buhon Icelord (Easier by dying 2 or 3 times)
Exuro Flatus (Video (Very Easy) , Easier if you die twice and weild a +30 health scythe
Hajkor (Video, use the wurm, before aggroing him, wait for the mandragor group to arrive, kill them, go for the small melee mandragor first, then die once, then pull him and his group away from the margonites and then kill him.)
Korr (Video, if you go 61hp (30% DP and trade out one of your armor pieces) and equip Fleeting Stability it makes it exceptionally easier)
Korshek the Immolated
Kormab (Arcane Zeal makes this much easier)
Lian (Easiest way is to pull the knight group in front and solo them then move on to Lian's group)
Suneh Stormbringer (Hard Mode) Easy with 15% DP, even easier wih 25% DP.
Lunto Sharpfoot Die once or twice first (If he has any healers near him, finish them first by positioning lunto and any other melee minions at one side of the healer, and hit Lunto, the healer and his minions at the same time)(user comment: just lure the closest of lunto's minions and the whole group will come running to you, then just kill the monk)(User comment: Lunto can't be farmed well anymore, if at all, a change to a skill the monks use has made the mob almost impossible to be defeated, but if you are willing to stand there for half an hour until the healers finally fail go for it.)
Faveo Aggredior (Video, Die once and replace Mystic Vigor with Heart of Fury to speed up the process)
Lieutenant Kayin
Acolyte of Balthazar (No dying required, he is relatively easy to farm, though this works well in a group where the 130hp derv attacks first)
Acolyte of Melandru (Die once, kill seers first, cover protective spirit with mystic regeneration and mystic vigor. Rezone if there are any priests.)
Bubahl Icehands (Easy, die once then kill him)
Corporal Suli (may need to rezone for a good spawn)
Marobeh Sharptail (Make sure you hit him alone. Let the mob provide energy. He does take a good amount of effort)
Vahlen the Silent (Die once, then kill him. It may be easier to die twice, because then they only do 1 damage)
Jishol Darksong (Medium, Takes very long time, but possible)
Pehnsed the Loudmouth (Takes very long time, but possible)
Shakor Firespear
Wandalz the Angry (Take henchmen to clear the Kournan Seers and Kournan Oppressors, then keep flagged off radar.)

Or Easier: Scroll down xD
okay, cool. lol

didn't see that before. So looks like 130's can make a descent profit.
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Old Jun 01, 2008, 05:36 PM // 17:36   #6
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For the UW i use [dodge this!] instead of [eremite's attack] so they won't block my hits, and also replaced [reaper's sweep] for [wounding strike] which actually doesn't do extra dmg but used as first hit will spam deep wound and bleeding, so they don't regen and their haelth is 20% less since the beginning which make you kill them faster!
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Old Jun 01, 2008, 08:22 PM // 20:22   #7
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This build has been super nerfed recently because of mystic regeneration and i am finding it hard even to kill the "Acolyte or Balthazar"
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Old Jun 01, 2008, 09:47 PM // 21:47   #8
Ascalonian Squire
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Originally Posted by Tender Care
For the UW i use [dodge this!] instead of [eremite's attack] so they won't block my hits, and also replaced [reaper's sweep] for [wounding strike] which actually doesn't do extra dmg but used as first hit will spam deep wound and bleeding, so they don't regen and their haelth is 20% less since the beginning which make you kill them faster!
I'm not a warrior, so Dodge This! won't be a very large option.

Although I probably should change Reaper's Sweep for Wounding Strike. Looks nice.

And about the nerfing thing. Okay, 130's are still pretty good. Some people are just over reacting. I can solo a 3 monster mob in FoW and a 2 monster mob in UW. So I don't think Mystic Regen is THAT bad, although I wish the nerfing was ever acted upon.

Now I just need some Ecto drops instead of lousy chaos axes and dark matter...
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Old Jun 02, 2008, 12:11 AM // 00:11   #9
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Originally Posted by Pandora1
I'm not a warrior, so Dodge This! won't be a very large option.

Although I probably should change Reaper's Sweep for Wounding Strike. Looks nice.

And about the nerfing thing. Okay, 130's are still pretty good. Some people are just over reacting. I can solo a 3 monster mob in FoW and a 2 monster mob in UW. So I don't think Mystic Regen is THAT bad, although I wish the nerfing was ever acted upon.

Now I just need some Ecto drops instead of lousy chaos axes and dark matter...
last time i checked dodge this is a pve skill
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Old Jun 02, 2008, 06:26 PM // 18:26   #10
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I use [dodge this!] only for te aatxe that use riposites so they won't block my attacks and i gain health from [mystic vigor].
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Old Jun 02, 2008, 11:07 PM // 23:07   #11
Ascalonian Squire
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Originally Posted by Tender Care
I use [dodge this!] only for te aatxe that use riposites so they won't block my attacks and i gain health from [mystic vigor].
No mystic regen?
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Old Jun 03, 2008, 08:54 AM // 08:54   #12
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Originally Posted by Pandora1
No mystic regen?
Without mystic regen i would be dead due to bleeding and their attacks, with bleeding you have 6 peeps regen....but mystic regen is not enough to beat them: 2 aatxe using riposite at the same time, u attack them and get 13 +13 dmg from riposites, 13+13 dmg from their attacks= 52 dmg in 1 second. I found easier to beat them using [dodge this!] so they won't block my attacks and i deal +20 dmg which is not so bad.
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