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Old Aug 25, 2006, 09:44 PM // 21:44   #1
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Join Date: Apr 2006
Guild: Avatars of the Zodiac
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Default Mesmer soloing bosses

So so so few mesmer builds out there to solo bosses, and as memser is about the less played profession so lets put it to use

First lets start up with Spiritgarden:


12 Wilderness Survival
9 + 4 Domination Magic
8 + 1 Inspiration MAgic
rest fast casting

Skills are the following:

[1] Spirit Shackles
[2] Mind Wrack
[3] Empathy
[4] Famine {E}
[5] Storm Chaser

// Fillers //
[6] Signet of Diruption
[7] Leech Signet
[8] Troll Urgent

Start of from Vasburg armory and run to spiritgarden, exspecting that all know where he is....To get past the warden group before him, just hit Storm chaser and run. Shouldn't be much of a problem. Run untill you don't have aggro from them any longer. Then run up to the stair to spiritgarden and wait untill you can aggro him without making his allies jump down.

Once you've aggroed him, cast Spirit shackles and wait untill he's energy is drained, use Mind wrack to see when all energy is gone, once it is, cast Famine and just keep Spirit shackles up all the time. Use Empathy for extra dmg and spam mind wrack for even more dmg. should go down within a minute. Not that hard. And the interupts are incase something goes wrong so you can interupt is Elite skill, Preservation or w/e its called. Otherwise you'll have to wait it out to be able to kill him.


Now of to Byzzr Wingmender.

the skills are the same, or you can remove 5-8 and add some energy drains instead. Not needed thou. Expecting all know where Wingmender is also so will just go to the killing right away.


12 Wilderness Survival
10 + 4 Domination Magic
8 + 1 Inspiration MAgic
rest fast casting

Skills are the following:

[1] Spirit Shackles
[2] Mind Wrack
[3] Empathy
[4] Famine {E}

rest is optional

Go out from Lutgardis to Melandru's Hope and go straight north. And you can't miss him/her. Just stand behind the wall and cast Spirit Shackles. Use your extra energy drains for faster kill. use Mind wrack here also to keep track of when the energy is all gone. Once that happend up with Famine, and just spam mind wrack, and keep empathy + spirit shackles up all the time. And he'll go down without a fight. Not that hard either


And last up is Sskai

Here we will change to Me/N instead of what we used before.

So here comes the Attributes first:

16 domination
12 Curses
rest Inspiration

Skills are:

[1] Spirit of Failure
[2] Price of Failure
[3] Signet of Midnight {E}
[4] Recklase Haste
[5] Empathy
[6] Ignorance
[7] Mantra of Inscriptions
[8] Ether Feast

Exit Zos Shivros Channel and run N NE to Sskai, Once aggroed him with your bow, either cast [1] / [2] before he reach you or cast Signet of Midnight right away with Mantra of Inscriptions activated. You must have MoI when you're using Signet of Midnight, otherwise there's a big chance Sskai can hit you that small time when you gonna cast it again, so keep Manta up all the time. Just cast like all skills on Sskai. Both "of Failure", then Empathy, then Ignorance so he can't heal him self. Then recklase haste to make him hit faster and also die faster. Just incase he would hit, even thou he have 90% + 25% + 25% chance to miss there's a chance he could hit you, so Eather feast is self heal Incase he would hit....
Just keep the hitting all those skills and he'll die like a fly. Might take 1-2 runs to get to know how to do it. But aint realy that hard i must say.


You can kill Chkkr Lotuslord with same build as Sskai

So here comes the Attributes first:

10+4 domination
12 Curses
rest Inspiration

Skills are:

[1] Spirit of Failure
[2] Price of Failure
[3] Signet of Midnight {E}
[4] Recklase Haste
[5] Empathy
[6] Spirit Shackles
[7] Mantra of Inscriptions
[8] Ether Feast

Exit from Lutgardis and head for the water. hope all know how to get down will skip that part ^^
Once in the water, wait for an opening to pull Chkkr with your bow and move back so you wont get any adds on you. Before he reach you, cast either [1] or [2] then once he reached you, cast Signet of Midnight and have Mantra of Inscriptions activated before. One he's blinded. cast both "Of Failure" then empathy, and then i added spirit shackles to drain his energy so he won't cast Shadow Refuge. He dies faster this way. When all hexes are up, just watch him die within a minute, think it takes barely 30 seconds for him to die thou. And Ether Feast here also just incase he would hit....

If you want you can also kill wingmender with this build, thou it takes a little more time than the other build. Just cast both "Of Failure" and then emapthy + recklase haste. and watch him die slowly.

(not sure why the colors became like that...but it's the same build and attributes i used to kill Chkkr)


Hope all will enjoy these ones

IGN: Anansi Zodiac

Just incase you have a question or something. Should not be needed thou, and PLEASE not any stupid question like "how often do "that" green drop??"....


Last edited by Phatmos; Aug 26, 2006 at 11:26 AM // 11:26..
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Old Aug 25, 2006, 10:16 PM // 22:16   #2
Lion's Arch Merchant
Join Date: Jan 2006
Guild: The Sunset Riders [Ride]
Profession: Mo/

everything looks pretty solid. it's nice to see more mesmer farming stuff around

nice work man
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